Well, I'm happy to say I found some Idahoan tagging!
But it wasn't nearly as impressive as I'd hoped...
Especially since these people can't really spell...
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I especially like the dude who carved "Thief, moron" in the wall. Nice touch. |
And sadly, it was scrawled on a bathroom wall in a bar. Not as daring as, say, a downtown business center, but it's a start...
C'mon Idaho. Let's see some major works of art. Some murals. Something cool...
Maybe I should become the rural Banksy... be known as.... "The Spud" and only do potato-themed street art.
18 witty retorts:
There's a Private Sale sign down the street and someone's scratched out private and written Slut.
Slut Sale?
Sure. I'd go to that.
Wonderful! ;D
Possibly the first time anyone has used the misspelled Bratwurst as a nom de graffiti. It must be nice to be able to buy markers and paint without showing your ID.
now thats just vandalism. lol.
The bathroom graffiti in my neck of the woods is much more impressive. Of course I do live just East of East LA. ha. arguing about graffiti = special Olympics joke.
Well, at least they tried.
Oh yeah, make yourself a potato stencil with the words "Idahomie" under it. Maybe give the potato a gangsta hat and some bling. Maybe. Plus you're traveling all over now, it's not like you'd be going far out of your way.
Lame, I'm sure you could do so much better.
Go Spud, show 'em how it's done.
I like graffiti but not tagging so much.
And yet, bar bathroom scrawls can be most amusing.
haha. "Thief, moron." That is great.
Yesterday at the skating rink I saw "Hockey sister <3" "Hockey Girlfriend" then an arrow pointing to "hockey girlfriend" that read "hahah gay". Yeah we are super classy here in PA. There is a lot of "tagging" around philly and even in the suburbs where I am but the bathroom stuff always cracks me up.
Sue me, but I think Graffiti *or street art* is tacky as hell. And the mire and noxious gases of an urban setting does not do it any justice, making it look like one more scrap of trash hanging on buildings and fences. I will admit that when I see graffiti type of graphics/animation (such as the logo of the anime Samurai Champloo) then it starts having aesthetic appeal.
Seriously? I desperately want to know what the thought was behind the bratwurst tag. What the hell?
I guess they should have spent more time writing in someone's classroom. That is humiliating. LOL! "Theif" is my fave.
haha... That is art??? Hey you can do much better people without hobbies... er... graffiti artists!Step your spraycanning up!
Bad spelling! Grrrr I would've correcting it with my permanent market I keep in my handbag for such occasions.
There are graffiti artists and graffiti... I dunno what to call them... Sprayers? These are sprayers.
Woke up the other morning to the news that a young man had died in our suburb falling while trying to tag/grafitti a road bridge.
I know you think the lack of it is amusing but I really wish there was less of it around here.
I honestly think that graffiti is beautiful. There is something so expressive in it.
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