I will be partaking in two things today. Watching football, and remembering the events of ten years ago.
Let's start on the more relaxed note. I am a Carolina Panther's fan. Back in the 90's I used to be an LA Rams fan, especially Kevin Greene. The Rams moved east, and KG was traded to a new expansion team. I decided to forsake the deserters, and follow my favorite player. Thus, my love for the Panthers began.
Unlike some bandwagoners, I have stayed true to my team over the years. In good times (almost beating the Pats in the superbowl) and bad (well, most seasons) they are my team.
And today, I will watch them play. For the first time ever, I have Direct Ticket, and plan on watching Carolina every damn week. Sadly, if I had this job earlier, I'd be in Arizona watching the game live. Oh well...
Secondly, I'll be paying my tribute to 9/11 in a moment of silence. And with you, sharing a little bit of my story.
10 years ago, I was recently married. My wife and I had just returned from our honeymoon only a few days ago. Her and I both worked at a 411 call center. Me as an operator, and her as a manager. We had no idea what was going on until we came into work that morning...
...and it was chaos. If people couldn't get through on 911, they called 411. EVERYONE including executives were on the phones assisting. If you took a break, you were glued to the tv to get info and pass it along.
I remember working a longer than usual shift with no breaks or lunches (my choice). At one point, I was helping a fire chief from another local area who had taken his crew into Manhattan. I helped guide him and his team through the streets and closures, and tried to give him all the contact info he needed.
It was a long and exhausting day. But looking back, I feel like I did a minor part in assisting the heroes of 9/11. I know this is a feeling my ex and I share. For us, the romance and fire of two newlyweds was put aside for a few days to do our part.
I will never forget that day. The sound of terror in so many voices. The look of horror on the television. The camaraderie and the passion to help from my coworkers. It wasn't the best scenario to bring a nation together, but on that day we were one, doing what we could to help.
Happy 9/11. Happy football day.
4 witty retorts:
Was really mind boggling - even here across 'the pond'.
You are absolutely right. It wasn't the best scenario to bring us together but we haven't been more united since.
wow 9/11 still bings tears to my eyes *sigh*
I remember going to school ten years ago being sooooo terrified...
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