- My car died. I had to spend $700 to fix it, only for it to break again 6 days later. The replaced part malfunctioned, breaking my engine. Now it's $7000 to fix it.
- On again off again child support woes, and some rough phone calls with the boys (why their mom won't turn off the TV when I call so I can have their full attention, I don't know...)
- Roadblocks at work. Some months are good in sales, some months are tough. This is a tough one.
- Finances worrying me, and me stressing about when I get to see my boys next.
Because of all these issues, I felt whipped. I moped, I was unmotivated, and I looked like this guy:
I became unorganized. Projects were forgotten. I was supposed to repolish my girlfriend's scrapbooking website, and I'm 90% done with a political graphics design (sorry dude, I'm finishing it tonight). Starting around September 10th, everything just went to shit.
But I'm snapping out of it. Things are getting better, and are going to continue to get better. I'm tired of being life's little bitch, so now I'm doing something about it.
Yeah, I'm 5 days late, but October is going to be awesome.
Bring it. Eye of the tiger, fools. Come at me, bro. Allright chums, let's do this: LEEEEEEEEEE-ROOOOOOYYYY....
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bring it, bitches. |
23 witty retorts:
Everyone I've talked to has had a shitty September. So did I. I'm not sure what the fuck happened that the world tilted on its axis, but I'm with you - October better get its shit together.
I've had those periods where things just suck too. Actually, I'm still in one of them but I'm trying not to let it get to me. Good to see you're coming out of yours.
When life makes you its bitch, it's time to polish up your bitch slap!!
Go get 'em tiger!!
Brandini.. Sounds like a bummer, and it gave you a potato face. Ick.
Give me a shout and I have a couple small dealies for you.
It's getting better!
You ain't lying, that sounds like a rough month. I'm pretty sure this is what the "It Gets Better" campaign is all about. Yep, pretty pretty pretty sure.
I hope it gets better for you. Life can be a dick sometimes.
Sorry man. Just had the exact same thing happen to my car. Bye bye savings.
My September sucked too. Here's to hoping October gets better. If nothing else we can drown our sorrows in Halloween candy.
I couldn't choose between a "at least you don't have it as bad as..." platitude or a Generall Count-Your-Blessings response.
I'll go for something in the middle and tell a SFW joke to take your mind off of things:
Some people say "If you can't beat them, join them". I say "If you can't beat them, beat them", because they will be expecting you to join them, so you will have the element of surprise.
Oh man I know how you feel...
My car had its anti theft computer system broken and we replaced it a month ago only to have it break again yesterday. :/
It's a new month and things are going to get better.
Time passes to quick for me to notice; and I don't like the cold and sad weather we've been getting this month.
Suck it September!!!!!
I hope your October will be a lot better! :D
That's how September was for me too. I don't know- it just flew by and I feel grossly unproductive when I look at everything that didn't get done. *sigh*
October needs to be better.
Here's to a bloody good rest of 2011.
My September was shitty too man, just one of those months for everyone it seems. October will be a great one for you, i'm sure of it!
damn straight. Life's YOUR bitch. When it is though, would a pimp mind letting a brother have a little ride? Cough.
Um. Is August over already?
It always works in troughs and peaks, if you are in one, you heading for the other. All sunshine coming to you now! It has to be, my mom said so.
Ok, that photo at the bottom is funny. Seriously, it happens. We all have those months we look back on and wonder how we made it. Some people are unfortunate to have an entire life to look back on and wonder how they made it. But, you can only live a second at a time. It's cliche', but it's true. When all else fails, go to Blockbuster and rent "Blazing Saddles." If that doesn't snap you out of it for two hours, then only "Police Academy" or "Airplane" will.
@Q: Rent? Bro, any self respecting man OWNS Blazing Saddles!
And yeah. One moment at a time. I gripe from time to time, but I'm usually a pretty zen dude.
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