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can't... resist.. correcting grammar... |
(go here if you want to see the post, the comment, and the rest)
It turns out the dude I insulted is not only a humorist (and there were dollops of sarcasm dripping from the post), but the guy is pretty famous. And good at what he does.
I start reading other bits and pieces from his site, and realize he blasts both sides fairly well. He's a really good cartoonist too. Overall, I like the site, since I dislike both parties on an almost-equal level.
...but I forgot about the hand grenade I had written, and moved on with my day.
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Did I just piss off a celebrity? |
Oh, but it gets better.
He blasts me, he blasts my blog, and now he's following me on twitter. And has paid for adspace to promote his site on my blog...
So what do I do? I ended up liking his site and his style, only to piss him off...
I ended up typing an apology email, and telling him I'd actually advertise his site instead of refunding his money. It's mainly because it's a good site and he's a good humorist, but also to eat a little crow on my end. I shouldn't have fired a shot across a stranger's bow like that.
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Holy fuck, what have I done? |
Lady Estrogen has a great thing going on with Jeremy London, and Q has Taylor Corley (sorry Jeremy, Taylor's hotter than you, so I'm more jealous of Q). Bloggers with celebrity followers seems to be the chic thing, so I want a celebrity of my own.
...and I doubt Anne Hathaway is going to happen for me, so I should just take a shot and be glad anyone remotely famous would like a goob like me.
So, Will Roberts, if you're still paying attention, your ad is up. Your site is awesome. And I'm sorry. Feel free to stick around and stalk me, if you like what you see...
20 witty retorts:
Hehehe... it is rather fun.
It's OK Jeremy... I'd take you over Taylor, maybe. Ahem.
One of my most popular search terms is Tom Cavanagh.. I still hope that one day he's going to find my blog by Googling himself. (my most popular is Julie Bowen.. I don't really care if she finds my blog. I mentioned her once, in relation to Tom Cavanagh)
I talk about Hugh Dillon a lot too, so I'm hoping he finds me some day.
I want to be blasted by someone famous.
Wait, that came out wrong.
You internet troll you. Unlike the rest of the internet, you are wise enough to see the error of your ways.
I'm trying to rope in Carrot Top. Writing jokes for that guy would be sweet and easy.
people come to my blog by searching for Casey Anthony's vagina pictures.... I'm not sure I want her to find it....
What's funny is I could have trolled it up and posted anonymously. People who have something BAD to say usually do.
Maybe I wanted the confrontation? Maybe that's why I posted my name, email, and website? I dunno. I just don't like attacking people without giving them a chance to refute.
A battle of the comic wits.
I'm sitting back with a bag of popcorn for this.
I now, strangely, want to insult someone famous and see what happens. But, then again, it probably wouldn't end as well for me!
I blogged about Moby, calling him a pretentious hipster fuck, and he emailed me and we chatted and now I think he's awesome.
Blogging is fun :)
I would follow your new friend Will but he seems to only talk about politics and I fucking hate politics, so... sorry Will. Hey! Maybe you could come to my blog and insult me or something, instead? WHAT DO YOU SAY?????
Ahhh so I see.. the secret is to INSULT someone, not post about how you want to get all up in their jam.
I see.
Okay and in your post I swear I read 'Corey Taylor' like seventeen times, and thought you meant the guy from Slipknot/Stone Sour.
I was gonna give you props for being confident enough in your masculinity to admit to his hotness (if he is, indeed, hot beneath the mask.. which I assume he would be.. those things look like they'd be pretty warm..)
But yeah... I clicked on the link and that cleared up my mistake pretty quick.
I wonder if I have any celeb readers... lol.
You know you have truly arrived in the blogosphere when you get comments from haters AND have a celebrity follower. Good on you spud man! I'm sure the two of you will work out your differences and if not, any future anomosity will make for entertaining blog fodder. Happy Monday my friend!
A celebrity follower? Pretty cool, but I think all of my followers (even the ones I don't owe money to) are celebrities in my book.
Especially you.
I'm hoping Pamela Anderson follows mine under a different name, don't worry he'll get over it.
he website was how do i say it… relevant, finally something that helped me. Many thanks
Why in the world would a famous blogger get his panties in a wad over having his grammatical errors pointed out? Sounds a little thin-skinned to me. Maybe he should invest in a proofreader. Maybe he should hire you. Or your 3rd grade son.
Dude, I posted a comment and backed you up. Hopefully, he'll pass it through moderation. Since he claimed that he checked out your blog, then maybe he'll get some tips on having decent grammar and being funny. LOL! Great comment you left him!
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