Don't get me wrong, I have facial hair. It just never thickens up. I just look... shaggy.
It's kind of sad, actually. I could tell people I choose to not have facial hair, and in a lot of ways, that's true. But to not have the option is kind of depressing.
To think, if I had a mustache, I could do THIS:

26 witty retorts:
You just want one so that you can wear that cheesy Tshirt:
Free mustache rides.
I'm on to you.
I was totally all mustache one day and I got a motorbike, so your post is true =3
I need to grow a mustache...
"I summoned it with my mustache!"
That made me laugh so hard I spilled coffee at work, all over the schematics I was working on.
I cleaned it up with my mustache though, because, you know, I can grow one.
Behind his mustache is a second mustache.
Mustaches are my favorite. :) Therefore, this post is now my favorite. :)
Some faces aren't meant for facial hair. I stopped shaving for a week and my "beard" grows in like a Backstreet Boy. Tom Selleck is my hero.
My facial hair grows in like a Backstreet Boy so I feel your pain. Tom Selleck built a career off his mustache! The 'stache has power.
SO cute!! On a personal note, I like the scruffy look once in a while, but beards and mustaches are not for me!
Now I know why my wife hasn't objected to my mustache's return.
I had a full on mustache. At 14 when I shaved it, I looked so different it was borderline traumatizing. I vowed never to let it grow out for so long ever again. If I'm feeling lazy, I'll ONLY shave the 'stache.
Epic tale of the moustache. That comic strip is plain awesome. I want to hear that drum solo now.
"I summoned it with my moustache"
That was just plain awesome.
Loved it :)
Tom Selleck is the only man that can pull off that mustache. No one else should wear a 'stache. I prefer my men clean shaven! ;)
Do you guys have "movember" in the states?
Over here, every Novemeber guys grow "mo's" to raise money for charity. A lot of them look like 70's porn stars by the end of the month
Mustache's scare the piss out of me. They aren't sexy to me and I don't want to kiss them. That being said my father has had one my entire life so maybe that adds to the lack of sexy. Anyway...hilarious post.
I want to print this out and hang it on my cork board.
When I grew mine out, I wore it for a couple of months. I started to look more like Pedro from napoleon dynamite. Never again lol
Haha this comic is amazing!
I started growing a beard. My girlfriend likes it, so I can see why you'd want one, haha.
I too suffer from the same shaggy fate. I wish I could grow out some sort of epic beard or something, make people think twice when wanting to get me rallied in the grocery store.. indeed..
I feel your pain. I often get beard envy. I can't grow one, no matter how hard I try. Don't ever go to the Pacific Northwest...beards and mustaches galore. It just depresses me...
Not down with the 'stash' but loved the post all the same.
That was great! I have mustache shot glasses.
Nice images.
Although my default when I see a guy with a mustache is "Porn star or cop, which one is he?"
And can we please get rid of the hipster's fascination with Civil War era beards? GAH!
My husband rocks the shit out of the drums but cannot grow a full on beard or mustache so I don't know how to feel about this post. Wait....I just realized I should laugh cuz this shit is funny!
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