If you read the article from the local news station, it says that the increase in porn awareness is also increasing the amount of child pornography. Therefore, all porn is bad.
This sounds like the same logic of "if you smoke marijuana, you're going to end up doing heroin, meth, cocaine and all the other drugs too." I mean, people have zero impulse control. When you try one, you're on a slippery slope of self-destruction.
I watch the occasional skin flick from time to time. Hell, I've blogged about it, so the average reader probably knows what I'm into... do I like kiddy porn? Animal porn? Absolutely not.
Do I treat my girlfriend like an object, because that's what you all-too-commonly see in porn? Nope.
Am I dysfunctional? A deviant? Well, maybe a little... but I'm still a functioning member of society, and know to keep my freaky side behind closed doors...
The conference is being held this Saturday in various locations. I'm tempted to go, just to see what this group is all about.
If I get really bold, I may end up asking some fun questions to get the rage flowing. Problem, bible-thumpers?
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Nothing is more fun than trolling a group of hot-tempered people... |
23 witty retorts:
That Avenue W song "The Internet is For Porn" comes to mind. Trying to combat the entire internet? Let 'em toil in futility. Do they acknowledge that porn is sometimes a 2 person activity and that sometimes porn can make you rich and get you your own reality TV show?
Heh, I think you're on the wrong street. You're thinking of Avenue Q.
Avenue W is where the crips hang out. You're gonna get jumped over there...
I agree, all these people that don't want you to engage in a particular activity just promote it by bringing it to attention and trying to restrict it.
It's exactly like drugs man, I mean if you smoke marijuana, you're going to end up doing heroin, meth, cocaine and all the other drugs too.
Think about it, you sicko!
; P
A case can be made for EVERYTHING being bad for society.
Cute puppies? They make us soft and vulnerable, causing us to struggle with emotional hardships. Puppies should be banned.
Bathing? Soap dries your skin. Better to be stinky and supple.
Love & Marriage? One word: Kardashian. To hell with it.
People get so puritanical when it comes to drugs, prostitution and porn. I don't see the big deal. I'd rather live in a society where access is open to all, but it's regulated so that kiddie porn and the like get dealt with accordingly and those sick fuckers get taken to jail.
porn is the true health.
you know as well as I do that those people who are all against porn are probably the freakiest in the sack. lol
Um... I was thumping my bible, but now that you mention skin flicks, I might go thump something else instead.
Yeah, you KNOW there are going to be some sign-holding trolls at these events. Should make for good, G-rated entertainment.
I would love to go just so that I can sit back & laugh at all the crazy things that I am sure will be said.
It's funny how people who have never experienced porn or even adult stores just assume that people who purchase or view such things are creepy perverts.
I managed a porn store for almost 7 years and honestly yes you would get a few people looking for off the wall illegal stuff but those customers were rare. I saw lots of people come in alone, with friends or with their partners more often.
so I'm bible thumping now? I used to think porn was okay, but recently I find myself more and more disgusted. But banning porn is like banning McDonalds. Sorry guys. No matter how not healthy it is, it won't leave the world so long as it makes the money it does (and gets the consumers it gets). I don't think the openness of liking porn - even worse, bonding over porn - is good at all though. I think it's a serious problem that one of the biggest, growing industries takes advantage of women who are willing to be degraded (whether fictitiously or not) for more money than they can make working as a cashier. So yeah, I think ALL porn is bad (just not nefarious).
Besides, to me, porn is the industry that says, "However fucked up you are, it's okay. We're here to make money out of your neuroses."
I'm not a big porn fan, but my general philosophy (which I learned from a very smart and sexy cowboy) is that if it doesn't cost me money or hurt kids then I don't much care.
Carry on, deviants!
I'd venture to guess that if it weren't for porn, some of those bible thumpers parents' wouldn't know a damned thing about sex. You know they've seen it - otherwise, how could they say it was "bad?" I bet they have to watch MASS quantities of porn as "research" to prove their point about it being "bad." Hmmmmmm...
But I kinda only like you BECAUSE you're a deviant.
ahahah you have to go to stir up shit
Maybe child pornography is increasing because there's suddenly more people willing to watch the stuff. What we need to do is control the amount of people. If you just shoot everyone in the head, significantly less people will watch child porn. Or any kind of porn, for that matter. It's the true way to get this stuff out of the internet. Shoot EVERYBODY!
And I bet behind closed doors everyone one of them is a pervy freak.
Plus what D4 above me said just kill off people till there is like 10% left that should do it.
I have no problem with adult erotica either written or filmed. Child pornography is criminal as a child can not consent.
s far as deviant stuff goes, cant say it particularly interests me but if it rocks your boat and doesn't hurt anyone, well go for your life.
Go ask the hard questions and just see how those hardline bible bashers splutter, Could be very entertaining
I'm too busy judging the Kardashian and Lohan mothers to be sidelined worrying about porn. Porn could have come in my home and stole my cat and I wouldn't have had a clue. It was my own fault for leaving the damn door wide open.
(PS. I don't own an actual cat)
I think you SHOULD go. Clearly this group needs to hear comments from someone rational. Sadly, it's true. People automatically assume that if you do one "bad" thing that you're geared to do the rest as well.
Self-restraint, or self-control seems to be as common as common sense.
I think that just about anything is fine in moderation. Porn doesn't cause people to start trolling playground for kids. I think people take things too far which is why I hate extremists. The world is full of them.
It's fun to piss the weak and narrow minded off. It's a side hobby of mine. Like your post and your cartoon at the end. He seems like a happy fella.
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