Turns out it wasn't a cold, I had Bronchitis. It was nearly gone, but the cough was lingering.
Doc gave me two options. Just finish riding it out like I had been doing, and it'll go away in a few more weeks. Either that, or medication time.
I was losing sleep. More importantly, the gf was losing sleep (and getting cranky). Meds it was.
And whoa, I had never taken prescription cough syrup before...
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My Face When the meds kicked in... |
Loopy was an understatement. After getting home, I took a swig, and waited.
30 minutes later, I was high as a kite. Everything was awesome. I was switching back and forth between watching Football and Robot Chicken, and was trippin balls.
Right, Professor Oak?
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So yeah, good times. Prescription cough meds are THE BOMB!
The good news is after one night I feel much much better. I haven't coughed in 12 hours, but the doc made sure to emphasize finishing the full regimen of pills he gave me. The cough syrup is as-needed, and will be saved for another time. Either when the cough comes back, or I just feel like trippin out after a long day at work. We'll see.
22 witty retorts:
I loved working with ER Docs. They know all the good drugs. To bad I'm not working anymore. I sure could use some better pain killers right about now. Oh yeah, remember this ... a cold is always 3 days coming, 3 days with you and 3 days going. If it's longer, get help.
I think if you mix it with booze you officially become a rapper...or homeless. If you fought off bronchitis, your immune system is now strong, strong like bull.
I know what you mean! I can't take any kind of cold/cough meds without trippin'!
What I normally try to do is drink it out of me...hardly ever works though because the more I drink, the more I smoke and smoking is not good for a cough!
I prefer my cough syrup on the rocks with a twist.... delicious!!
heres hopin you feel much better very soon.
The prescription cough syrups are never to be wasted curing a cough, Brandon... just like good pain meds (mepergan, lortab, vicodin) need to be hoarded whenever possible. Limp through it with Tylenol and antibiotics, then play with the good stuff when you don't have any adult supervision around to bitch about your unseemly behavior!
Just watch the alcohol intake when you're partying, or we'll be reading about you in the news: "Local blogger arrested while streaking atop Babtist Church"
WHAT? I've never had THAT shiz, yo!
I gotta get me some.. ya know... just in case.
Bahaha!! I've had that cough syrup before!!
May everything sontinue to be awesome for you!!
Still smirking...
Rainbow puke was a nice touch BTW!
OMG I love the codeine cough syrup so much. I'm the crack head licking the cap and putting some water in the bottle and shaking it up for one last hit. I get bronchitis every spring for some reason... I'm already looking forward to that Dr's visit.
Brandini. Ignore Squat-- give the car keys to the GF and double-dose some Carta Blanca with the hack meds. Oooo, pretty lights.
hope you feel better.
Aw dude.. what? I've got some prescription cough syrup.. never used it because f*** doctors.
One of these days..
I'm with squatio and jj.
That is a damn fine buzz, not to be wasted on illness.
Good times. Feel better though.
You realised you were REALLY tripping after switching between football and Robot Chicken then realising the TV wasn't plugged in.
I always wondered how to make rainbows spill out of my mouth! Glad to know you are feeling better and breathing freely again.
way to find the silver lineing. a3
I remember tripping off some cough syrup i borrowed for a 'cold' freshman year in college. Walking up campus felt so weird...
I'm convinced that those kinds of meds don't actually DO anything for the illness they're intended to fix...rather, the trippindicular experience is meant to distract you from feeling sick or pain. Hey, man, whatever works...
So, is it a bad thing that I can take that codein cough syrup and feel fine? It is isn't it? I should probably stop taking vicodin and percs recreationally, huh? well shit
Nice to hear you're getting better.
Oh man! Bronchitis?! I probably would've gone with the medicine too in spite of the loopy-ness.
Glad you're feeling better, sir! =)
lol never tried anything like that and hope I never have to. Feel better
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