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Idaho Radio: Singing About Sex Is Forbidden... But Cocaine is OK!

There are two radio stations I listen to in town.  One is a top 40 station, and the other is a Generation X "no DJ" station.

Both are heavily censored.  When Bruno Mars is talking about having a girl over and having "some really nice sex" they delete it out.  When Katy Perry gets hammered and talked about streaking and threesomes, it gets censored out.  You like Buckcherry?  They won't play Crazy Bitch, but Lit Up is ok...  Here's the song:

Sublime can Smoke Two Joints, but Lady Gaga can't take a ride on a disco stick?

Why is drug use allowed in Idaho, but sex is taboo?

In honor of that wonderful double standard, I present these fun cocaine memes for your enjoyment.

a original

this explains SO much, Alice...

If this were my cat, it would explain so much...

Please Share it! :)