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Beau Dough? You must be in Boise...

Ah, Boise.  Home of the blue football field, good radio stations, and actual civilization.  Whenever my work takes me to Boise, I enjoy it.

Why?  It's everything Eastern Idaho isn't.  There are PEOPLE here.  People with opinions that differ.  People that think for themselves.

Actual bars and nightclubs that are more than just bad karaoke hangouts with a pool table...

And best of all, mormons are in the minority again.  The LDS that are in Boise are laid back and normal, instead of "you're different so there's something wrong with you..."

Yes, Boise is where I would like to live, if I were to stay in Idaho long-term.  It feels more like 'home' than Eastern Idaho.  But there are always cons when you have so many pros...

The freeways in Boise are perpetually under construction.  People manage better than California drivers, but Boise is the only city in Idaho that has traffic jams.  If you get on a main street around 5pm, or on any of the freeways, you better be comfortable and have an empty bladder.  This isn't like Idaho Falls where 40 miles away means you'll be there in 40 minutes or less...

The slang in this town drive me insane... You're not in Downtown Boise, you're in BoDo (pronounced Beau Dough...).  It's like a mix of alternative hipsters and white kids trying to act street.  The nightlife is better than average, but you still have a lot of pretentious prats trying to style and look "freezy."

Fatty's Bar is fun though.  What's missing is a nice jazz bar with a live band.  A great club that would do well in Boise is the Hip Kitty in Claremont, Ca.  Maybe if I make millions selling my stuff, I'll retire and open up a place like that...

Dudes in bicycles are everywhere as well.  After listening to the radio stations in town, I discovered Two Wheels by Wax is the unofficial song for Boise residents in their 20's.  Lyrics include "I don't give a fuck about a DUI" and "Two wheels is the way I ride."  Here's the video, so you can see what the Boise trendsetters are trying to emulate.

So Boise has it's advantages and disadvantages.  If California isn't in my cards anymore, I'd probably settle for moving to Boise.  I think the pros outweigh the cons, and it would be nice to be able to go to football games again, even if it is college ball.... and on a blue football field...

Oh well.  At least they have Carl's Jr in Boise.  I missed my Western Bacon Cheeseburgers...

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18 witty retorts:

D4 said...

The problem here is it would be too normal and you'd have significantly less material for your blog. Think of the blog!!

Shutterbug said...

What's "freezy?" I must be getting old. I'm so out of the loop! :P

Tony Van Helsing said...

How do you pronounce Boise, is it boys?

Unknown said...



Shaw said...

Wish I had a Carl Jr...

Sharon Day said...

CA boy dreaming of living in Boise. Damn! Eastern ID must really suck ass.

MRanthrope said...

Sorry man, but I'll be living in Cali til Im no longer living. Unless I get a cool high paying fancy job. Then you know, fuck this place. haha

Anonymous said...

Really enjoyed the song, not gonna lie if that's what the hipsters are aiming for it's not all bad now is it.

BB said...

Sounds like it had changed quite a bit in 33 years but I loved Boise back then. It was a big slower paced of a city compared to NJ/NY where I am from. I was able to get to a BSU game when their stadium was very new and they were playing Rutgers (my home state). It was fun sitting with all the BSU fans and yelling "go Rutgers, kick some ass"!
Idaho is a beautiful state.

mamtc said...

I need to move??

This Guy said...

Good music, Good food, who needs more?

LoneIslander said...

I guess there are just Hipsters everywhere.......

Steve Bailey said...

I wanna give a shotout to all my people from Bodo!!!!! No... literally a shotout... like a gun shot out. Apparently that's how you greet people in Boise.... by shooting your rifle into the air!

Anonymous said...

Really? Boise? I just lost all respect.... You only like Boise because that is where middle class California moved to dictate to the rest of us. The only people that like Boise in the state of Idaho are living in Boise.

Honestly its like its own state. Some of us like living in Idaho for all the reasons you transplants hate it. And if there is one thing I will say to the death "Who do we Hate? - Boise State" Boise is not a state nor is it the entire state, though the attitudes on that side will disagree. LDS people in Boise are like Cannibals that feed on their own.

Did you know that the people that signed the extermination order on the Mormons in Missouri ran out of money and settled in Boise? Mormons have to hide. LOL

Unknown said...

Maybe it's just a fun place to visit, but not to live? Granted, I've only been there three times...

Anonymous said...

Just to clarify and maybe it because I'm a born and raised Idahoian(Rexburg, Idaho to be exact, have sympathy for me yet?)but it's pronounced like Bo-c, or Bo sea. Just thought I could try and save you from further sneers and eye rolls, we can always spot a tourist when they say YEAH BOZE STATE!!!!

The Frisky Virgin said...

Okay, I'll say it...I love that dang blue field. It's different, it's distinctive, and it's just fun.

Anonymous said...

Okay, listen, E. I've had it about up to my nuts with this "Boise isn't a state so BSU's name is stupid and is therefore a stupid university" thing.

Let me clarify something. The word STATE in the name means that it is a state supported institution. Now, just because something does not have the word state in the name does not mean it is not supported by state funds, BUT when it does... THAT'S WHAT IT MEANS.

Do you understand this? Is this a concept that is now within your intellectual grasp? If Boise State University one day decided to become a private school, I am 99.999% certain that they would remove the "State" from the name and hence become Boise University. Boise is awesome. BSU is awesome. God bless America, roll tide, war eagle, etc. etc.

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