Dear Idaho -
Yes, you're a dentist. Yes, you went through endless years of schooling, to call yourself an 'educated' man. You bestow your opinions on everyone else, always assuming you're right, and arguing your stance until the other side gives up.
Well, Doctor: When you say
"I thought a farrier was when, you know, you have more than one gay dude, and one is farrier than another..." and you're totally serious? I just lost a little respect for you.
Also, asking if racism still exists is laughable. No, black people should not just "get over it and let it go." If it were that simple, the issue would have been dropped long ago, but it's not. Sorry. For an educated man, you're more or less an idiot.
Dear Idaho Teens and Twenty-Somethings -
Yes, I know you're trying to separate yourself from your peers. Identity is key in the 21st century, and you have to make sure to stand out from the herd.
But come on, leave the fedora in the 40's through 60's. It died out for a reason, just like wearing a suit to work has died out for the majority of the nation.
We are no longer a generation that 'suits up' every day, unless your name is
Barney Stinson. The fedora looks great with a tailored suit, but not with a popped-collar polo. You're not Indiana Jones, you're not Don Draper. You're a douchebag, and you're trying to hard.
Hats are accessories. If you don't know how to properly accessorize, you're going to fail when you put one of these on. And, although we're not laughing in your face, I promise we are giggling inside.
Dear Medical Professionals of Idaho -
When going through med school, you did a lot of disgusting things. You learned to put your morals aside and follow the hippocratic oath. The human body is your playground, and your job is to keep that body well.
But why is it, that when a woman comes in for an infected mammary gland due to breast feeding, you get all flustered? Do you treat her? No. Silly Mormon, you tell her that you don't feel comfortable looking at her breasts, and tell her to come back when a female doctor is on staff, thus letting the infection worsen because you can't look at a booby. You might be compelled to, you know, touch it...
I'm sorry, and I know this goes for a lot of people in a lot of areas, but some people in Idaho are just plain dumb. It surprises me how many of those dummies have "Dr." in front of their name, and let their personal beliefs influence their practice (something they were taught against in school).