I see them at the gym.
My girlfriend has a coworker that wears them to work.
And they annoy me whenever I see them.
Pajama pants. In public. Worn as regular pants.
Not even in a discreet way. Black or dark blue pj's? Nope. Hot pink. Butterfly designs. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer pj's on an April afternoon.
...am I missing something? When did this become fashionably acceptable??
Luckily, lawmakers are starting to notice. I know the last thing we need is another stupid government regulation, but Louisiana bureaucrats are trying to pass a law making pj's in public a crime.
Crime against fashion? Absolutely. But a ticketable offense? That's a bit much...
Or is it?
What do you think of this idea? What do you think about people wearing pj pants in public? Most of all, have you ever done it??
Sorry to say, whenever I see pj's in public, this happens to me:
![]() |
I turn into a geriatric Republican... |
35 witty retorts:
This makes me INSANE. My philosophy is, if you can't muster the strength or will to put on a regular pair of pants, then you have given up on life. It looks ridiculous. I don't know if I would go so far as to ticket people, but maybe the fashion police need to intervene.
Not that I would do it myself but it sometimes looks kinda cute on young girls. And are they much different from those awful pants some of us wore in the 80's? And if they want to ban anything, how about leggings with short shirts? Some people are not meant to wear lycra- ever
My New Blog – “Lizard Happy”
To me it screams that you have given up on life and yourself. I understand being tired or lazy but unless I'm so hungover I can't function without gatorade & run to a local gas station to grab some I NEVER go out in PJ's. I do not own a single pair of sweatpants. None. NONE! I do not own yoga pants or a tracksuit...NONE! I own pants for the gym & that is the ONLY place I wear them. I own pajamas and I wear them at home only! I don't even wear them to get the mail and take out the trash. People amaze me!
I haven't really seen them in public - only like neighbours and stuff
When I see pj's in public or sweat pants, it just makes me sad. That person is obviously depressed. The worst is if the person pairs the pjs with Crocs. That person needs therapy and some pills.
Totally agree that pajamas in public are fucking horrendous and anyone who does this deserve to be mocked and shunned to within an inch of their life...
...but ticketed? Charged? Surely the powers that be have better things to do. When it comes to fashion, let us police ourselves.
Death to crimes of fashion!
As someone that has blatantly given a big FU to the fasion norms of society I think this is absolutely ridiculous. What is this, Catholic school uniform regulations for a lazy day?
People need to get off their high horse. How someone else dressed has zero, absolutely no, effect on your life whatsoever. Get over it.
Allowing the government to tell you how to dress is one more step towards losing even the most basic human right to choose what you do with you life. Law fail.
I let the dog out onto the front lawn in pajamas sometimes. But it's usually long before any neighbors are awake.
I went to mail a book yesterday and there in line ahead of me was someone doing this exact thing and I totally had the same thought you did when did people start thinking this was okay
Hate it!!! Seriously people?! Put some damn pants on!! And the best part is, they're usually ratty, worn to death and just dingy looking. Personally, I have never worn crazy pj pants in public. That's what yoga pants are for!
The only time I wore pj's in public is when my kid missed the bus, we were late, and I drove her to school in my pjs and then ran out of gas before I could make it home and had to get out of the van to elicit help. I was mortified. I think unless you have a similar emergency or the FLU and no one else to run your errands for you than pj's in public is gross.
Your girlfriend's coworker really wears pajama pants to work?! That is out of control.
I can't stand when people where pajamas in public. It makes no sense at all.
Though it is irritating, I do think it's a little extreme to make it a crime. Oh well... I guess we'll see what happens.
I hate this! Of course it's wrong to judge people, but if they can't take the time to get out of what they wore to bed, I have absolutely no desire to take the time to get to know them. If they're that lazy when it comes to clothes, it's probably not a far stretch to think they'd be lazy with everything else.
But I think those lawmakers should probably find a real problem to solve...
couples up? how do u do this? and im with ya on this article. pajama pants and sweat pants should not be worn in public. its not classy at all. yoga pants in public are more than welcome though
I'm with Haven on this one, it may not be your personal taste, but it really does not matter (or affect your life in ANY way), a law or by-law even would be ridiculous. If people can walk around in mesh/lycra bodysuits and have it be deemed 'appropriate' I think hating on pjs is overkill.
Personally I wouldn't wear PJ's out (as in town, shopping, errands, general public) or to the work place (professionalism), but that's what it comes down to, a personal choice.
IMHO Yoga pants are just over-glorified trendy pj pants. So to people who make the distinction between the two, I raise a brow in conjecture.
This is why I own pajama jeans.
That's just wrong on so many levels. It's just totally stupid.
I've never seen anyone out in public with pajama pants (Albuquerque). Are we just more conventional here? I have seen middle-aged fems running around with curlers in their hair, which grosses me out a little, but wot the 'ell, HOO CARES? As long as it doesn't scare small children or cause traffic accidents, makes me no never-mind. (Looks like I'm the libertarian of the group.)
I wear yoga pants as pants, and leggings as pants, but there is something so incredibly sloppy and gross about wearing PJs in public. To me, it makes you look homeless. I don't think there should be a law against it (this is AMERICA), but if I see you wearing PJs in public I won't take you seriously.
Even when I was in college I hated it when I saw other people wearing PJs to class. It's lazy and stupid looking.
I don't think I've ever done it, but man have I seen it committed so many times. One of the reasons why I don't shop at Walmart. I feel bad walking to the mailbox in them.
I certainly hope they don't pass a law against it.
I have a new pair of PJ pants with duckies all over them.
Actually, this makes as much sense as passing laws against showing your britches in public. We have enough laws which people ignore-if you want to look like a fashion jackass, be my guest.
What's next? Plumber's Crack being a capital offense?
I remember when this was the norm at college, then leggings took over... upgrade
One of the local supermarkets here banned people wearing nightwear...it doesn't take a lot to get dressed
I'm not sure why I have such conflicting opinions about "pajama pants" in and of themselves. I love the shit out of my Hello Kitty pajama pants and I will lounge my ass off in them all day on a saturday and never leave the house (well, maybe I'll walk outside to get the mail). But the thought of wearing those same Hello Kitty pajama pants in the car and out in public - just seems, so, oh, I dunno - UNSANITARY!
God it's annoying. Unless they have nice butts. And the pajamas are partially see through. But still!
You know.. I just don't care. I couldn't do it myself, but if people like being comfortable over looking good, all the power to them.
Sometimes if you are going out and it's a short trip, maybe if they are just black ones?
I've been tempted to walk to the corner store in my pajama pants, but I can't bring myself to actually do it. I do see people around my neighborhood do it all the time though, most commonly to the laundromat, but sometimes to the grocery store too. As for legislation against it... I think that's a little bit much.
OMG - I just saw that today and talked about it.
Not only was she wearing pink with blue teddy bears on her flannel pants, she was wearing a camouflage patterned jacket. I mean... really, woman. If you're gonna wear pajamas to the shops, at least coordinate a little bit! Pssfftt.
Unless its PJ day, Pajama pants are never okay in public. lol.
The original reason the law is being broached -> some guy was wearing PJs with an open front and showing his package to the world.
That is already a ticket offense- send him off for public nudity or flashing people.
I don't agree pajamas are for public use, but I also don't tell others how to dress. The norms for personal presentation have dipped lower and lower, but I don't have to follow them.
I can't stand this. House shoes and PJ's belong in the home. People who do this are ghetto fabulous. I don't care if it's 4 AM, put some freakin' clothes on.
I was wearing my PJs in public LONG before it became something of a statement like it is now. However, I think my reason is a damned good one... I have a skin condition that makes almost ANYthing touching my skin HURT LIKE HELL. Never mind how hard it is to bend and move to change in or out of pants from the PJs, and we won't even talk about skirts or dresses and how tough it would be to wear nylons. I must get out to do errands and sometimes I just can't stomach the effort to change into some kind of pants that are just going to make me hurt even more.
So if that law were passed in my area, it would actually make it even tougher for me to get out and do the errands that I need to get done. And for the people who don't like seeing somebody in their PJ's, then don't look.
I haven't really seen them in public - only like neighbours and stuff
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