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The Book of Idaho - Book One: In the Beginning

After much anticipation (mostly by me), my eBook "The Book of Idaho" is finally here and ready for mass consumption.

You can download it for your Kindle, Nook, iPad, phone or any other e-reader on Smashwords for $1.99

Included in the book is the best of the best for My Own Private Idaho - Year One.  You'll get 21 posts covering:

- About the Author (where you get to learn a little more about me)
- Life in Idaho (all the fun stuff, I promise)
- MORMONS!!!  (!!!!!)
- Funny Idaho Laws (and what happens when I break some of them)
- and, of course, General Silliness

If you've been following this blog for a while now, some of these will be 'oldies but goodies.'  If you haven't read all 520+ of my posts, odds are you're going to find some new (and enjoyable) material in here.

Either way, it's great summer reading, and a great way to share some humor and light-heartedness with friends and family.

Go now! 

...and thank you for your love and support.
Please Share it! :)