You can download it for your Kindle, Nook, iPad, phone or any other e-reader on Smashwords for $1.99
Included in the book is the best of the best for My Own Private Idaho - Year One. You'll get 21 posts covering:
- About the Author (where you get to learn a little more about me)
- Life in Idaho (all the fun stuff, I promise)
- MORMONS!!! (!!!!!)
- Funny Idaho Laws (and what happens when I break some of them)
- and, of course, General Silliness
If you've been following this blog for a while now, some of these will be 'oldies but goodies.' If you haven't read all 520+ of my posts, odds are you're going to find some new (and enjoyable) material in here.
Either way, it's great summer reading, and a great way to share some humor and light-heartedness with friends and family.
Go now!
...and thank you for your love and support.