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Oh Carolina...

This season looked so promising...

This was my cover photo on Facebook:

After today's performance in Denver, it's now this:

Cam spent more time on his back than my college girlfriend, thanks to their porous O-line.  After sack number 164 I stopped counting, removed my jersey and changed the channel.

Back in the day, I was an LA Rams fan (born and raised).  They moved to St. Louis, so when the team left so did my love for them.  I followed my favorite player, Kevin Greene, to a new franchise team in North Carolina.  I became a Panthers fan, and have supported my team ever since.

Now, I'm not so sure.  They have made a lot of dumb mistakes over the last few years, and during Referee-gate, Panthers owner Jerry Richardson is one of the main reason we had replacement refs for so long.

After 16 years, I am considering a divorce.  I'm sorry Panthers, but this isn't working out anymore...

If I use my last philosophy and follow one of my favorite players, I should become a Bears fan so I can root for Julius Peppers again...

...decisions decisions...
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7 witty retorts:

520Transplant said...

Bear fans would welcome you. Passionate, ubiquitous (seen a fair share of us in IF, I'm guessing), a good-time crew. But your next team should be your last. Serial monogamy sounds great, but it seems antithetical to fandom. (Disclosure: I have not always been a Bear fan, so I'm trying not to preach.)

Brandon from said...

It's like a marriage. You always hope it's forever, and hope "the first is the last... ok, THIS one is the last..."

A Beer For The Shower said...

It's not your fault, Carolina. You were going up against Peyton Manning, which meant Peyton Manning and also Peyton Manning. He's a verb now. See, he single handedly runs the Broncos. Kidding aside, read any Denver newspaper and that's what you'll see - the offense, special teams, defense... they don't exist. PEYTON WON.

Brandon from said...

Peyton did ok, but Carolina's D kept him in check. Most of Denver's Points came from their defense or their special teams.

That being said, a win's a win and a loss is a loss. We lost. Badly. Again. It's like half the team doesn't give a shit...

Crack You Whip said...

I don't know about the Panthers. I like whatever team has the hottest quarterback. That's how it works, right?

Thank, Q said...

Oh, so that's the story behind the Panther fandom. Makes sense now. Kevin Greene should be in the Hall, by the way. Crazy career sack total. But, don't bail on Carolina. They'll come around when they dump a RB and Ron Rivera.

Brandon from said...

...and redo their o-line... and learn how to tackle a fullback... and get a good, complete coaching staff... and a better front office... and an owner who gives a shit...


I just don't know anymore. It's tough to like a team with so much not to like...

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