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Local Artist Spotlight - Davin Hanson

As most regular readers know, I have a regular hangout in town:  The Villa Coffeehouse.

I have observed the customers and poked fun at the odd ones.  I have talked about their ups and downs, but I have not yet mentioned one of my favorite things about this place:

The art.

Every month, The Villa features a local artist.  Some good, some not so good.  The artist fills the walls of the coffeehouse, and sometimes a piece or two gets sold.

As of October 1, I have been in Idaho Falls for two years.  I have seen over 20 artists come and go (some stay a little longer than scheduled) and I have never been as impressed as I have been with this month's featured artist:  Davin Hanson.

Locals, please go to The Villa by the end of the month to see his work for yourself.  Vivid colors and fantastic textures on every piece.  Not only does his art look good, but you can feel the emotion and the story behind the artwork.  I know art speaks different messages to different people, but you'll like what you hear from these pieces.

The art I currently have at home fit my decor, so we purchased it.  With Davin's art, I would decorate a room around one of his pieces.

For those of you not in Eastern Idaho, please go to Davin's website and be sure to check out his gallery.  His acrylic on canvas works are hanging in The Villa right now, and complement the atmosphere of the shop perfectly.

I'm not being paid for this post, so consider this a sincere review.  Also, consider this a promotion for both the artist and the coffee shop.

Go to The Villa.

Buy a latte and some pumpkin cheesecake.

Leave the baristas a fat tip, by voting for the 'vs' of the day.

Sit down and enjoy the art as well as the atmosphere.

And then contact Davin and purchase a pretty picture.  Just... don't take 'Possible,' the painting shown to the left.  I wants it, and am working on a way to get it.  As I mentioned, I'd decorate a room around a piece of his art, but Possible already fits the decor of my office.

"Oh yes," as Wayne said of Tia Carerre... "She will be mine..."
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