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Interaction Time! Why do you blog about what you blog about?

So I'm following about 150-200 people on a semi regular basis.  By semi regular, it means there are a lot of you I read daily, but all of you I read at least once/twice a week.

I love the broad subject matter.

I have blogs that make me laugh on a regular basis, like Colorful Rants of a Fed Up Sista, Rose and Crayons,  and Sara's Organized Chaos.  I read these, and they always get me laughing on a regular basis.

I have a few paranormal blogs I follow, but the best of the best is Ghost Hunting Theories.  Always detailed, always insightful, and always makes you think.  Even when it keeps you up at night once in a while...

I follow a few tech blogs (like Come At Me Bro), photography blogs (like Adam Badge Photography), some brewing/bar blogs (Bar Science, for example) and some truly unique blogs that must be seen to be appreciated.  (Like this one.  Surprise, I didn't say the name!)

What I see more than any other genre, though, are music blogs and video game blogs.

Now don't get me wrong, there are a few of them that are damn good, and I interact with them on a regular basis.

But some are just cookie-cutter blogs that seem to be run by the same minds.  The 'hivemind blogs' are numerous, and just seem to frustrate me to no end.

When 4 bloggers link the same Deadmau5 vid that has been out for over a year, it grinds my gears....

When they have ALMOST THE EXACT REVIEW, word for word, I usually unfollow one or two of them in a mini-rage...

I still like the music, and I love hearing about new things coming out, or the best of the best, but I love originality too.

Keep it fresh, guys and gals!

So here is the interaction time:  Tell me (and the world) what you blog about, and why you picked the topic you're discussing!  I'd love to hear the methods behind the madness!!!
Please Share it! :)