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Guest Posts Are GOLD When Looking For New Traffic

I love writing guest posts.  It gives me a chance to write creative material and share my humor, but on a different blog.  It is also a useful tool to get my name out there more, and to show my writing to a new audience.

It also benefits the blog in question, because I often write about it (like I'm doing now).

I currently have a guest post up on Bloggerati.  It is a two-parter, with both an interview and an actual guest post.

When I write a guest post, I try to stick to the theme or niche of the blogger, but add my own spin to things.  G's blog was long ago called Bar Science, so I first thought about writing about bar tricks or etiquette.  He recently changed to 'Bloggerati' and has more of a general feel to it.  Since he recently blogged about Rugby, I decided to make my post about a comparison of Rugby vs American Football.

Click here to see for yourself:

Are you looking for more blog followers?  Increased traffic?  More links to your website (which help boost page rank and search indexing)?  If so, I'd recommend writing a guest post on a neighboring blog.

When it comes to blogging, networking helps the world go 'round.  The more people have access to your work and are aware of your blog, the more popular you're going to get.

And you know me, I'm an attention whore.

As I write this, I'm close to 800 followers and have about 1,500-2,000 daily pageviews.  G @ Bloggerati has a hair over 400 followers.  There may be some overlapping, but by guest-posting I'm exposing my name and writing to a new audience.

In short, it's a win/win.  Exposure, increased traffic, cross-linking, and I just saved him 2 day's worth of posts with the interview and guest post.  If someone wanted to guest post on my blog (cough cough) it would save me writing time and get someone fresh mentioning my blog to a new audience.

With luck, he's sending increased traffic and new followers my way, and I'm doing the same for him.  (which means you, so go check out his blog)

Will I ever be an internet megastar?  Probably not.  But guest blogging is a nice little booster.  A guy can dream, can't he?

Oh yes, it will be mine...
Please Share it! :)