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POTUS with a Gun = Photoshop Fun!

In case you missed it, President Obama recently tried to relate to gun laws, mentioning he shoots skeet from time to time.

News stations and conservatives everywhere demanded proof.  "Where are the pictures?"  After a day or so, the White House released a photo from early 2012, showing President Obama with a shotgun.

Conservatives, never happy, started picking apart the picture.  His stance, his grip, is the smoke photoshopped?  Why is he almost level?

Conversely, the White House apparently issued a statement saying "This official White House photograph is being made available only for publication by news organizations and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House."

The internet's response?  DON'T TELL US WHAT TO DO!

Imgur, reddit and 4chan started creating shopped Obama images in droves.  Some offensive, some hilarious.

Okay, most of the 4chan ones were offensive, but no surprise there.

So... FBI.  I didn't do any of these, so don't hang me up by the balls.  But come on.  Fuck off.  This is funny...

Here is a shortlist of my favorites that have popped up so far:

Politically, I think it's stupid that the President has to prove himself before critics on a regular basis.  "Go out and jog, it's good for you!"  "Well, do YOU jog?  Let's see you in a tracksuit!" and so on.  

Why can he only talk about gun legislation if he himself is a gun owner and gun enthusiast?

Does that mean he can't consider marriage equality unless he becomes gay?

Or talk about marijuana reform unless he blazes up from time to time?

Don't talk about immigration unless you're Hecho en Mexico...

But politics is politics, and if the idiots demand you jump through your little hoop, jump you must...  Oh well.

That being said, I'd rather go out hunting with Obama than I would with Dick Cheney...
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