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Down The @Etsy Abyss - My New Addiction

I helped design my girlfriend's etsy page, and then she thanked me by purchasing some beer soap from one of the shops she frequents.

It.  Smells.  AWESOME.

And it got me looking...

After a few minutes, I started noticing more and more cool things on etsy:  Zombie Gnomes.  Doctor Who Paraphanalia.  Ninja everything.  They even have an entire section labeled 'geekery.'

My new home.

I've blogged about taxidermied squirrels before, and there are plenty to choose from on etsy.  This cowboy, for example, complete with six-shooter.

There is also a canoeing squirrel, with paddle in hand.

I can hear The Bloggess squee-ing with delight when she first found this section (not that she doesn't have every taxidermy hook-up in the world already...)

And so much more. You really need to spend some time looking at the handmade shit that people come up with...

But back to the original draw:  My girlfriend.  If you do anything crafty or scrap-book related, please visit her stores.

She has a Chop Shop for crafty people looking for themed kits or accessory sets, and a general Craft Store for cards, pre-made albums, mini albums and more.

Oh, and she does custom work as well.  Wedding album?  Baby?  If you want her to transform your pictures and memories into an amazing scrapbook album, she's your girl.

And she's my girl, so that makes for the ultimate reference, doesn't it?

Anyway, this is my new cigarette.  I'm hooked on etsy, and will be enjoying my 'LUDICROUS SPEED.... GO!' vinyl sticker on my car, once I get it back.

Please Share it! :)

16 witty retorts:

Workingdan said...

Did you say beer soap? I never heard of such a thing! If I had beer scented soap I might end up eating it!

Andrea L. Cole said...

Now I have to pimp my own shop... Go look!

Haven said...

Oh man I am so addicted to Etsy. It's terrible when impulsive spending is a problem... or wonderful!

A Daft Scots Lass said...

how would you come across a canoeing squirrel, with paddle in hand? Did you actually search for that, and why???

Sara Strand said...

I bought ninja Xmas ornaments for my blogger buddy and his tree was kick ass. Also? The cat butt keychain for my other blogger friends is a huge hit.

Zombie said...

Oh god, now I'm thinking about starting my own store...

Anonymous said...

I've been avoiding Etsy. It's so overwhleming. However, my mom is a squirrel addict. I think a taxidermied squirrel is just right for Mother's Day. She's going to love it.... that or kill me.

sporkgasm said...

I'm on there a little too much myself. I order things like earrings with pictures of breakfast on them (Yes, I have earrings with eggs, toast, and bacon on them). I just ordered drawings of all of the Star Wars characters as little kids. It's way cutesy geekery.

Unknown said...

I have an Etsy store too!! Of course I don't do scrapbooks. I make clothing, costumes and anything else that goes through a sewing machine. I am working on a dress for The Bloggess' Traveling Red Dress project. I also think I will be the mouse as Hamlet for Halloween because my kids WON'T DO A THEME WITH ME ANYMORE!

I will save this store and keep an eye out for things I might need.

Tony Van Helsing said...

Miss out the soap and just wash in beer.

Hey Monkey Butt said...

I do love that page, but Im still new to it :) Will have to spend a few more minutes each day there I guess! happy Friday!

Martina said...

Oh man, Etsy is like the never-ending rabbit hole, deeper and deeper it goes; curiouser and curiouser the things one finds.

But I can't deny it, I'm among the many addicted to the site. I try and stay away\limit what I buy from there or I'd be mired in debt.
I want to buy this "no solicitors" sign next I think. :)

Sonja Rois said...

I am definitely gonna have to keep the link on file for when I have more money. I just CANNOT get into the scrapbooking, but I have one I want to put together for my daughter. I love when other ppl will do the stuff for me. :D

Sub Radar (Mike) said...

I have to stay away from etsy... it does very bad things to my wallet. Must... resist... urge... need... beer soap...

Vanessa said...

Taxidermied squirrels rock. The rest just makes me suspect once again that I'm a guy with a vagina.

Lady Estrogen said...

Dude. I have no less than 7 packages from Etsy coming in the next couple weeks. SEVEN.

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