The ongoing battle of Republican v Democrat (also known as Conservatives / Liberals, as well as some uglier terms) has been getting more and more fierce as the years go on.
If you have been following any political news, you have probably noticed any voting in congress is almost always a 'Red v Blue' battle, and virtually nothing gets done. What little production there is always causes arguments, name calling, and plenty of fuel for the Glenn Becks and Ariana Huffingtons of the world.
I was recently offered to review a book that addresses such partisanship, and I love it. The book,
Cure Your Democracy, not only discusses the dangerousness of partisanship in a 21st century environment, but it proves that this partisanship is, in actuality,
Yep, you heard right. If you're hardcore left or right, you are diseased. But fret not, there is a cure!
This book is, of course, a little tongue in cheek. It reads almost like a medical journal, and took me a few days to paw through the 260-plus pages. However, it was well-worth the read, and I recommend this book to anyone who gives a damn about politics.
As for me, I'm mostly a centrist, but have found myself infected with both diseases (Democratitus and Democratosis) at different stages of my life. Nowadays, I'd like to consider myself virtually political-disease free, but I carry around a 55-gallon drum of Purell just in case.
(...the way political strife is growing in this country, I'm considering a Haz-Mat suit as well...)
This book is a very fun read. It explains how both the left and right are guilty of stalling this country, and it's obvious when you read blogs and listen to radio/tv shows how each side viciously blames the other for our current woes.
The book will help you test for, identify, and (hopefully) treat whichever disease you find yourself infected with. There are allergy tests (Does NASCAR turn you on? Does the thought of Michael Moore make you queasy?) which will make you smirk, and by the time you reach the 'Treatment' section you'll have a goofy grin on your face about how stupid partisanship really is.
Taking the thought of this partisanship and extremism as an actual illness, it becomes obvious to me. Rush, Fox News, MSNBC, Thom Hartmann and other far left/right outlets are only spreading this disease and making it more powerful by the hour. If we want to cure this pandemic, we need to treat it at the source and eliminate the major contagions.
Yet, both sides would argue that Knowledge is Power, free speech, and the like. It's a shame too, since these political shepherds are corralling as many mindless sheep as possible, and all in the name 'of the greater good.'
Speaking as someone who has voted both R and D, depending on the person and the issue, I would like to see partisanship end. Mr. Cooker also has a petition going to help end partisanship and get American moving forward. If you think like I do, and want to see an end to 'politics as usual' please click the below button and sign with me.
Again, I highly recommend this book if you like to read about politics. While I'll never run for office, I do care where this country goes, and make sure to vote at every election. Whether on the left, right, or somewhere in the middle,
Cure Your Democracy is a book you need to read.
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