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Words With Friends: Competitive AND Sexy!

Yes, I'm proud to say I slack off with my phone more than I use it for meaningful and productive purposes.

But you probably do too, so don't judge me.

I'm a big Words With Friends nut, and usually have about a half dozen games in progress.  It's fun to play, easy to do on the road or while doing some other task...

...and I'm good at it.

I'm not one of those that uses a cheater application (I think those are all on the iPhone anyway) but I have been known to throw down some random letters, just to see if it spells something valid.  All in all, I try to play the game in an honorable way.

And I win.  A lot.

Usually by a landslide...

I do have one friend, however, who is my equal.  Her and I trade off wins fairly consistently, and I can never dominate her (nor can she dominate me).

The best part of playing with her are the conversations we have.  We use the chat function fairly often, and always joke about the words we spell, or just generally talk smack to each other.

Every now and then, things get a little flirty.  Someone spells 'orgasm' or 'bush' and the chuckles start.  The conversation quickly goes south, and we start discussing:

- Who is 'on top' of whom at the moment
- How 'big' the words are...
- If we are spelling words to deliberately flirt with each other (like if I spell 'pound' or she spells 'shaved')

Her and I have been friends for about 5 years, and sometimes our conversations get fairly R rated.  Luckily we're both in meaningful relationships and know that nothing is ever going to happen, but sometimes the wordplay makes a person wonder.  (It also helps that we're thousands of miles apart, so drunken hookups are much more difficult).

Her and I get busy with our normal lives from time to time.  Sometimes, we can play with each other all day (*snnnrk*) and other times it's days between moves.

When there is a pause, I sometimes look back at our chat sessions... did I say something that crossed a line?  Was it too much, did I scare her away?

Funny thing is, she admittedly wonders the same thing too.  Truth is, we just get busy, but you never quite know when you've said something and taken things too far.

Do you flirt a lot when playing games like this?  I tried doing it in other games, like Hanging With Friends, but have found it tough trying to talk sexy...

...when you're both hanging over a pit of lava...

Oh, and if you're ever bored and want to start a WWF game with me, my screen name is Idahomie.  COME AT ME, BRO.
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