The premise of the show was the life of Al Bundy, a shoe salesman who hated his life. He was married to Peg, a redhead wife that specialized in driving her husband crazy.
He hated his job, he loathed his marriage and family, and we all pitied Al.
Fast forward to present time. I'm in my 30's now, and I envy Al Bundy.
He owns his own house and car. Too many people I know can barely get into apartments, let alone purchase their own house. I'm currently renting as it is. Al not only owns a house, but a 2-story house with a decent sized back yard and a spacious-enough garage that can be converted into a man cave. Lucky bastard.
He has a stable job. Sure, he's a shoe salesman and hates his career, but how many people in the 2010's wouldn't kill to be out of the unemployment line and working at a shoe store? It's not a 6-figure income, but with unemployment rates as high as they are, you take what you can get.
He's married to a woman who likes sex. For his kids to be as old as they are, Al should statistically be divorced and paying child support. Instead, he's still married to the mother of his children, and mom (Peg) is still fairly hot. And craves sex. This rarely happens these days, so Al can be considered ahead of the curve.
He has disposable income. Al is constantly in The Jiggly Room, MwC's resident strip club. You don't go to a titty-bar unless you have some money to burn, right? That, coupled with household repairs mean he's got dough. It seemed like every other episode resulted in a broken window, appliances destroyed, or other accidents. Yet, week in and week out, they all get fixed. My girlfriend's car broke in 2009, and we couldn't afford to fix it until December 2010. Al, can you spare some change?
Yes, 20 years ago we felt bad for Al Bundy. The poor man had a mortgage, a wife with a sexual appetite, a loyal dog who loved him, a stable job, and a close circle of friends. Now, in the 21st century?
He'd be living the dream.
Note: This post was the winner of a Dude Write "Diamond Man Card" award, being the best post of the week in the Dude Write lineup.
Note: This post was the winner of a Dude Write "Diamond Man Card" award, being the best post of the week in the Dude Write lineup.