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What does The Simple Dude and my penis have in common?

...they'll get you more blog followers.

First, I want to tell you about The Simple Dude and his new e-book.  It's called

Grow Your Blog:
Proven Ways To Add Followers Every Single Day

and it works.  You can read more about the book here, or simply buy the e-book on Amazon or Smashwords.  At the low price of $1.99, it is well worth the price and so much more.

Reading the book, SD gives tips on blog layouts, marketing, and general awesomeness.  The humor infused into the book makes it a pleasurable read, and I can practically guarantee you'll find at least one blogging improvement you can use, if not dozens.

I have been blogging since January.  I may have 640-something followers right now, but I'm still learning.  His book has given me a lot of great ideas (pimping, for example) that I will use to improve my overall reach.  

Blog pimpin ain't easy (a line from his book...) but it pays off.  In this age of 'follow me and I'll follow you back' Social Media, you really need to show your appreciation for other bloggers if you want them to show an appreciation for you.  Think of it as scratching someone's back, and then it's your turn to scratch yours.

Plus, as a bonus, you can wear a crushed-velvet suit and a badass hat.  If that isn't a reason to pimp, I don't know what is.

(...wait... you don't get to dress up?  Can I do it anyway?)

Reading this book will take you 20 minutes.  Then re-reading the book and writing down your 'ways to improve my blog' list will take another 20.  Putting the ideas into practice?  Priceless.  After all new followers are forever...

Oh, and just in case, if you're not following The Simple Dude's blog, go there and follow.

So... how does this have anything to do with my penis??

I was on twitter Wednesday night, and somehow "The Helicopter" was brought up in conversation with @VickiLikesFrogs.  (It's twitter... don't ask, just go with it.)  Jillsmo asked for a drawing of me doing the helicopter, and this is what spawned...

This picture resulted in a number of re-tweets and hilarity, and I ended up getting a new blog follower!  Yay!

But it wasn't done.  The avalanche had started, and new followers were flooding in...

Maybe I should do stupid penis tricks more often?  Give the people what they want, after all...

In short, go buy The Simple Dude's book, download it, love it.  That, added with a few anatomical acrobatics, will help grow your blog.
Please Share it! :)