Or maybe you should just snicker. Once you read how the tournament went down, you'll understand why I'm not walking around singing "We are the Champions."
You see, I won the contest merely by showing up each round, following the instructions given, and sticking to deadlines.
Round 1 started on May 1st. 6 bloggers going head to head. The first objective was to review a competitors blog. My review (link) was posted on time, but 2 out of the 6 people were busy. Or forgot. Or something.
Where is everybody?? |
Round 2 was in mid May, and consisted of finding a small blog to feature, pimp, and get as many people as possible to follow via Google Friend Connect. I picked my protege (link) and raised her follower count from 4 to 20. Of the remaining contestants, one picked a blog that was impossible to follow via GFC, so there was no way to track results. She was eliminated by default.
The last round was over Memorial Day weekend. We were to submit a post to BlackLOG based on a theme of "Best of times / worst of times." I did, the other finalist didn't. Therefore, he was disqualified and I won. If you would like to read my post, please click (link) and enjoy, so it doesn't completely go to waste. :)
So yes, I won. I have made it a point to enter as many blogging contests as I can. This is my first year of blogging, and I see contests as a good way to not only hone my craft, but to get my name out there. This contest probably didn't do either, but it was a fun experience. I won, but I won by default.
Homer Simpson would be proud...