(...I love my job...)
I'm staying at a new hotel in Southern Utah, and they have a really neat remote control. It's called the Clean Remote:
The Clean Remote is designed to be easily disinfected, which is fantastic for a hotel room. A study on Fitness Health 101 shows that the TV remote is one of the dirtiest areas in the hotel room (along with doorknobs and the bedside light switch). The fact that these can be easily sanitized are a BIG plus.
Best of all, it has a 'sleep timer' button, which not all hotel remotes have. I like to fall asleep with the TV on, but I don't want the TV on all night. Sleep timers = Win.
However, I noticed one interesting thing:
From the back, this remote control looks like... well...
...like it should a 'vibrate' function...
Thinking about this remote control being doubled as a dildo made me wonder if they TRULY sanitized this thing before I touched it...
Luckily, I bring along plenty of hand sanitizer with me. I shake a lot of hands on the road, and you never know who is germy or sick...
...or if the last occupants in my hotel room shoved the remote control up their ass...