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Mexican Food, Wisconsin and the Macarena (aaah-ight!)

Last week's work schedule included four 14-hour days in a row and over 1,300 miles on the road.  After so much, I wanted to spend time with my wonderful girlfriend.

We decided to go out to Garcia's Mexican Restaurant and enjoy the best Mexican food Eastern Idaho has to offer.


We ordered drinks and our dinner from the most annoying baby-talking waitress on Earth, and settled into our chairs for nice conversation and footsie.

The waitress we were blessed with had an odd Wisconsin-ish accent.  The accent combined with the baby-talk made for an interesting time.

Mexican restaurant.

Eastern Idaho.

Ittle Wittle Waitress fwom Wisconsin.


When we finally became tired of poking fun, we decided to eat.

That's when I heard it....

Dale a tu cuerpo alegria Macarena

Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegria y cosa buena

Dale a tu cuerpo alegria, Macarena
Heeey Macarena!  (aaaaah-iiight!)

It wasn't obvious since it was a horrible cover band instead of the horrible original duo, but the lyrics and the beat were basically the same.

This is supposed to be the nicest sit-down Mexican joint in town, and everything about it was more or less a joke, except for the food.  The food is amazing, but I think getting it 'to-go' would be a wise choice next time.

On the bright side, it made for a refreshing night.  This circus of a restaurant helped wash away the workweek like an extreme palate-cleanser on crack. I don't think I'll be going back anytime soon, but I appreciated the gesture nonetheless.

My question to you is:  How in the hell do you rate this kind of night?  Annoying yet oddly entertaining?  Can you give a restaurant 4 stars in a review, but note that 2 of them were given ironically?
Please Share it! :)