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Bon'd? Screw that. I've been Gherk'd.

Look at me!

I'm a pickle!

A fucking pickle!


Isn't that cool?!?

Last week my blogging bro Pickleope decided to take my insipid little blog and draw inspiration from it.  The result was not one but two illustrations of yours truly as a pickleope, dealing with Idaho in a way only pickles can do.

With booze.  And a fez.

Oh, and if that isn't awesome enough, the same post also featured Rasputin.  I don't think he and I have ever shared the same spotlight, but I'm hoping the destroyer of Russian sovereignty and I can hang more often.

Why?  Chicks dig Rasputin.  It's the beard.  He's the ultimate wing-man.

If you're not following this precarious pickle, you really need to.  His wit has been brined to perfection. His humor is crispy and tart.  He can rock a fez better than most Shriners.   He is fantastic.

And he has good taste in alcohol.  I'm holding some scotch in one picture, and a snifter of cognac in the other.  No shotgunning a Pabst Blue Ribbon for this bloke!

(unless it's redneck party time)

This makes two artists who have taken my blog and made it into art.  Recently BoN'd A Beer for the Shower turned me into a missionary pimping the book of Idaho in June.  If this becomes a continuous thing, I may have to start finding a way to get these posterized and on my walls...

So... people... how do I look as a bumpy green dick with horns?  I like... you like??
Please Share it! :)