Hng'uathua ngrlg'ngh t'krghu Cthulhu... |
I miss California. The beaches. The smell of the ocean, the crash of the waves hitting sand. The cry of the seagulls....
...wait, why am I hearing seagulls in Idaho?
I look around, and there are about 3 of them flying and crowing.
Maybe they were lost??
Later that weekend, I was walking downtown near the river. More seagulls.
Um, hey seagulls. There is no sea in Idaho. In fact, even if we were on the western tip of Idaho, you'd still be about 457 miles away from it. So yeah, Eastern Idaho, wrong spot.
My girlfriend tells me that seagulls are everywhere up here. "They like the lakes and rivers..."
But wouldn't that make them lake-gulls? Or river-gulls?
I'm sorry, but when I look at the map of the US, I don't imagine seagulls in Idaho. Are they in Nebraska too? Tennessee? What about North Dakota? Or is this just an Idaho thing?
To make matters more confusing, I was driving home from my marathon day last night, and I saw a road sign that almost floored me:
Seagull Bay, Next Exit.
Um, excuse me??
Turns out yes, there is a Seagull Bay, Idaho. But no sea. This is a bay in a man-made reservoir.
So we have river-gulls, lake-gulls, and now reservoir-gulls.
Reservoir-gulls. I still had about 2 hours of driving left to do, and the thought of 5 seagulls in black-and-white suits made me laugh.
Quentin Tarentino, if you're listening and like the idea of reservoir-gulls, call me. As of June 1st, it's gimmick infringement if you, er, take it from me...
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get to work. I hope my car didn't get pooped on by any of those pesky river-gulls....