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Run and Hide! V-day, t-minus 7 days!

I spent this morning wandering the town, taking notes, and getting plenty of blog fodder.  More Idaho shenanigans coming soon.

For now, I want to talk about Valentine's Day.  It is a week away (on a Monday?  lame) and like most people, I am trying to find the best expression of love for my mate.

Here are some of the rejected ideas:

She's a Star Trek fan, but I'm afraid Picard would steal her away

Not because it isn't awesome, but her mom would hunt me down and murder me for this.

 Again, fitting, but I choose life.

  She peeked and saw this one.  "Awwwwwww..."  but no.

 Too soon?

I liked this so much, it's my current wallpaper.

 Getting closer, but it still isn't gonna get me laid.

While this is a pretty good checklist for the day, I don't think she will appreciate the underlying message here...



You know what, I think it's going to be safest to do the traditional dinner/night out deal this year.  It may not be the most romantic Valentine's ever, but at least I'll survive to see the 15th...
Please Share it! :)