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In honor of 2011, I am hereby celebrating over eleven-hundred views of my page, eleventy (110) followers, and this, my eleventh post!


For celebration, I present to thee, my avid followers, some lols.

These are two vids that people shared with me today, and I think both were funnier than 90% of the ads shown today during the big game.

Except for this one.  Star Wars is always relevant.

Thanks to all, and may the next 11, 110, and 1,100 be just as fun!
Please Share it! :)

15 witty retorts:

Jik said...

i lol'd at the commercial one haha

Zakk said...

The shakeweight in the gym was hilarious!

Sam said...

Great commercial! :)

Unknown said...

Hahahah the little kid probably went to school ready to kick some bullies ass just to get beaten harder for being a retard!

kal said...

isn't that shakeweight guy the one doing omegle clips too?

D4 said...

I lol'd at the maze, but I felt like the shakeweight one was just trying to taste my boy parts.. hehehe

Anonymous said...

Wow, congrats! That's quite impressive. =D

OKinUK said...

Does licking count as making out? If so, then, hmm.

Hey! Thanks for stopping by on my blog and leaving the bestest comment evah!

murz90 said...

I've seen this last video, I like commercials like that.

Tsipise said...

The force is with the kid.

Alopix said...

That actor seemed scared to death xD

kittens here! said...

funny vids bro. also congrats on the followers :)

shadi said...

good commercial

Steve said...

grats on the milestone and great vids

rickysha said...

Yeah the ads weren't so great this year.

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