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Cards For Assholes - Parenting & Parking Edition

I absolutely hate it when I'm in a parking structure, at a mall, etc and can't find a parking spot.

Oh there are spots available, but that jerk in the lifted truck decided he needed two spots.

In Idaho, this happens all the time.  You can't see parking lines when it's snowing, so you do the best you can.  But in spring?  Summer?  There's no excuse.

Yet you never see these guys getting tickets for their ass-hattery.  What can you, as a citizen, do?

Stick it to them with some snark.

Introducing Cards for Assholes!  You can purchase these 1" x 3" 'skinny' cards on zazzle by the 20-pack, and show your distaste for their half-assed parking job!

On a good day, I could pass out 5 of these.  I think a 20-pack will go rather quickly.

But it's not just bad drivers!  You can stick it to the shitty parents as well!

I have a Facebook friend at Disneyworld right now, and he wished for something like this to pass out to the negligent parents on their iPhone, while their kids run amok.  (Think Bebe's Kids of the 21st century...)

These also come in a 20-pack, and I could easily burn through half of them during an afternoon at the local mall... or the park.  Or the grocery store.

The packs are $9.95 for 20 cards.  Think of it as fifty cents for every time you want to give your two cents...

What do you think?  Are there any other scenarios where a card like this would come in handy?  Look for these designs (and soon to be more) at my zazzle shop.
Please Share it! :)