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Just because I'm white doesn't mean I can't be ghetto

**As always, read the post as well as the comments.  We have a pretty good discussion brewing...**

Today's controversial post is about... racism!  YAAAAAAY!!!

I was having a conversation a few months back, and was told "you can't say those things, you're white!"

Excuse me?

We were talking about growing up, and I told them how I was from the ghetto.  I was one of 3 white families on my block, so I grew up tough.  Hip Hop and rap were on all the boom boxes (when they were still boom boxes) and you just grew up with the slang you grew up with.

...but... I'm white...


The conversation reminded me of an altercation in High School, with one of my teachers and a black student.  She was kicked out of class because she kept disrupting everyone and had a horrible attitude.  Finally the teacher said 'enough is enough,' failed her, and told her to never come back.

Mom thought it was because the daughter was black, and the teacher was white.

She STORMS into the classroom in the middle of class, and starts screaming at the teacher.  Finally, one of us students interjects.  "She wasn't kicked out because she was black, and our teacher isn't racist.  She was kicked out because she was a self-centered rude-ass BITCH, and I'm starting to understand where she gets it from."

Mind you, this student who spoke up was white as well.

Mama slaps the student (HARD.  Like knocks him down hard to the ground), and calls the ACLU.  Teacher gets investigated, and student gets expelled.  You'd think mom would get charged with assault, right?  Especially with over 30 witnesses?  Nope.

Long story short, racism is still alive today.  Are the same players causing it that were in the 60's?  Maybe some, but it's on all sides now.  I know too many white people who don't like people different than them, and I know too many black and latin people who are "The boy who cried racism" whenever they are hated on.

I'm sorry.  Black, white, mexican, asian, if you're a douche, I'm gonna kick your ass.  Why is it that, if their skin is a different color, it's called a hate crime?  I'm allowed to hate other white people too, right?

What's sad is there is almost no racial diversity in my town, and you can feel the 'you're different' vibe in the air sometimes.  Too many rednecks with big trucks...

So back to me.  Yes, I'm white.  But here are some "omg, you can't like THAT, you're white!" moments:

I love me some Boondocks.

I grew up on Hip Hop, and still love it today.   Sure, I like rock, Dean Martin, Classical, metal and other stuff too, but put on some NWA, some Biggie, some Snoop, and I'm going to BLAST IT.  Remember, I want to open up my own Idahoan hip hop radio station after all...

What's wrong, Cube?  You look mad.  Why u mad?
And I can probably make better tamales than any white boy you've ever met.

But I still play video games like a nerd, and find stuff like this funny:

Does that make me racist?  Or just human?
Please Share it! :)