The books are easy reading for youngsters, and usually have a nice message. Own up to your responsibilities. Believe in yourself, and you can accomplish more than you think.
Don't say you don't like a certain type of food until you try it first. Even if that shit is green....
...don't jump on your dad, or else you're going to piss him off...
Well, one book that often gets ignored (but is a fantastic story) is about the Sneetches. It's a story about prejudice and inequality, and I found a youtube clip of the book-turned-into-a-cartoon here:
I'm married and you're only in a Civil Union. Nyah nyah nyah... |
Look at the stars being marriage, and the non-stars being civil unions. Or not. Maybe? I'm not sure.
But the salesman plays an important part as well. Wedding planners, divorce lawyers, and event locations have nothing to lose if gays are allowed to get married.
(college kids, watch the news closely. If this becomes a historical time, you too can profit from it!!)
Back to the bottom line, I am for all people having the right to be married. One person should be able to marry another person, regardless or race or gender. I know what the bible says, but I dare you to show me a person or society that follows 100% of the rules laid out in the bible. Religions today pick and choose, so why not pick and choose this one as well?
The 20th century had the US fighting for the equal rights for women and blacks. There are passages that make women sound inequal, and sometimes viewed more as property than a peer. Slavery was ok in biblical times, so why not now?
Living in a Republic means freedom for all, even the minority. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, but the needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many.
Which is why, if the Supreme Court intervenes and overturns majority-voted legislation, it is because we live in a Republic and cannot oppress the minority. The law says we cannot discriminate based on sexual orientation when hiring for work. If we commit a crime based on race or orientation, it is labeled a hate crime. Why should the rights of marriage be any different?
Civil Unions are like a Sneetch with no stars, and we're at the beginning of the story. Eventually it won't matter if you have stars or not or if it's a Marriage, Civil Union, Holy Union, etc., but, as the story goes, you can't teach a Sneetch. We have to learn that lesson and mature on our own.
23 witty retorts:
There's probably fewer people against gay marriage than there is people who think it's none of their business who marries who. I'm thinking we're going to have to stop minding our own business and step in to the fray if we want change.
It's a touchy subjects. I commend you for writing on it. It doesn't affect me one way or the other, so why not? Equal rights for all.
That sneetch good one. Lot of message.
And that is why Dr. Seuss was the bomb. Right on.
It seems to be religious types that kick up most stink about other peoples sexuality. Maybe we should look at taking the church to court for discrimination. That way if they say they get their moral instruction from a higher authority then it is their responsibility to prove this higher authority exists.
I adore Dr Seuss!!
Oh yeah, Seuss was a big time political cartoonist back in the day. I saw some of his propaganda in my history class, and it was so weird to see his whimsical characters wearing a swastika. lol.
There was a time when Catholics weren't allowed to marry Protestants in this country. The same "if we allow this, then people will marry animals," arguments were made and made just as little sense. I don't understand why people care so much about things that don't affect them or why you'd want to impede anyone's pursuit of happiness as long as it doesn't hurt anyone.
The biggest argument is "THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!" If kids see it, they'll think it's ok, and I don't want my kids experimenting like that!
I wonder if the same line of thinking was used to keep women in their place, and blacks separated from whites...
hate gays? blame straight ppl for having gay babies. lol
Very well said.
-Barb the French Bean
@pickleope, if animals could give consent and say "I do" then noone has rights to oppose that either.
Instead of churches force heteros who can't stand wachother , then that is to be condemned not two consenting adults
Remember a few generations back when a DIVORCE was unthinkable???
It is always the "religious" speaking on behalf of God that want to regulate what everyone else is doing. There is tons of shit in the Bible that we aren't supposed to be doing and tons of ridiculous laws that we can't for the sake of being intelligent beings, adhere to. As my friend mentioned the other day, there are stories of children being killed for laughing at baldness. Bring a legitimate explanation for the argument that all people shouldn't have the same rights or that someone else is below me and we can talk.
Also adore adore Seuss. Always.
Why are people still kicking up a fuss about gay marriage? There ain't a damn thing wrong with it!
I think those who make a big deal about it are living in the closet!
Love some Dr Suess and when they had green eggs and ham at the Ihop, I made sure to get some of that!!! In regards to marriage and civil unions and holy unions ::yawn:: They have just as much right to be miserable (married) as the rest of them :) Im kidding Im kidding. (kinda) But I don't see the big deal in them being allowed to get married.
I don't personally believe in it, but why shouldn't they be miserable like the rest of us! Let 'em marry!
@SD: I love the stance. I have a lot of opinions and beliefs too, but I don't think I have the right to force my decisions and beliefs on other people.
I'd make a horrible Mormon Missionary. "Hey, I'm here to talk about Joseph Smi-- holy shit, is that the Angels game? What's the score??"
that's a little bit genius there, my friend.
thanks for this in my day.
realizing i sound like one of those spam commenters,
Dr. Suess is a friggin genius. We should make adults read his books, in case they forgot the lessons within them.
Dr. Suess is a better guide to morality than the Bible could ever be.
so a 72 day marriage of a Kardashian is ok and Brittany Spears can be married for 55 hours and that is ok but it is not ok for a committed same sex couple to be married? I know gay couples who have been together for a years and years but stupid laws wont let them publicly and legally celebrate it.
If you want it, you should be able to have it. I am pretty sure the world wont end.
You know it's good when I sit through that whole clip so I can relate it to your post. When push comes to shove I don't judge others and who they love. There isn't enough love in this world and here we are trying to tell some that theirs doesn't count. How silly is that? The world is a better place when the people in it are happy. (not that marriage=happy lol). To each their own...let them marry.
The first photo caught me off-guard and made me laugh. I didn't realize how many Dr. Seuss books this guy had. I read "Green Eggs & Ham" and "Hop On Pop." I'm not sure if I remember any others.
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