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Youble - My New Gym (Back on the Fitness Track)

I have blogged about my struggles with weight loss before, and have noticed one big obstacle with my job and weight-loss.

I'm never home.  My gym membership rarely gets used.  (not to mention hours on the road, burning zero calories while driving)

And have you seen hotel 'fitness centers?'  One treadmill, a bike or two, and a scale.  That's it.

I need a personal trainer.  I need motivation.   I need classes.  And I need them to travel with me.

Meet youble.  The gym in the cloud.  I am starting my membership at youble, and I have to say...

...I feel the burn.

I was picked to receive a complimentary membership in return for a review, but I would have paid for this service whether or not I was chosen.  I had no idea this existed, and now that I do, I have no problem spreading the word.

Youble is designed to work from your computer or your TV.  The hotels I frequent have "plug and play" TV's which allow me to use their television as a 42" computer monitor.  The fitness classes are in a high resolution, so it looks like you're watching a fitness video.

However, unlike a fitness video, the classes update. You're not doing the same motions over and over.  The trainers (yes, real live trainers) mix it up for you to keep your mind and body fresh!

I just completed my first class.  I did my first Core Burn class and I'm sore.  Way sore.  But I couldn't be happier.  Unlike the gym, you're not surrounded by people, so you can rest as needed without feeling embarrassed.  If you need to take a breather but don't want to miss any of the class, you can pause the video.   You can't pause real life, but you can pause youble.

Trainer Jesse Thomas kicked my ass in core burn class...
Another big benefit?  The trainers have a wide variety of exercises.  As they're doing reps, they tell you how to properly do them, where you should be feeling the burn, how to breathe, etc.

It's a personal trainer.  On demand.  24/7.  And if you get sick of them?  Pause.

I can't tell you how often I have wanted to tell a personal trainer "shut up for 5 minutes and give me time to breathe, mmmkay?"

There is a wide variety of classes to choose from, and the 'Help Me Choose' option will help you find a class that meets your needs.  Is time an issue?   Only want an intermediate level?  Don't have any equipment?  There are courses that work around YOU.

So once again I am embarking on a fitness journey, but thanks to being able to get a good workout on the road, I think I may actually succeed.

As of April 1, I am in 42" pants.  I weigh 240lbs.  I have an 18" neck and a 50" chest.

My goal?

Shrink my waistline six inches, drop 40lb, and be able to run a 5k without, well, dying.  No time limit, no pressure. Just a goal.

I have some work to do:

Knees and toes, knees and toes....

And youble is going to help.

If you're in the same predicament I am, give them a look.  They have a 14 day trial membership, and monthly charges are only $7.99/mo if you use my discount code:  MOPI2012  

That's as cheap as netflix, and will get you more active. Best of all? When you want to quit, quit. It's not like a typical gym, where they make it impossible for you to leave. A few clicks and your membership is cancelled. Done. Without a contract. HOW COOL IS THAT???

So here I go again.  I'll report back in a few weeks and let you know how I'm doing.  If you want, come join me!!
Please Share it! :)

26 witty retorts:

Out of Barnes said...

Good luck with the weight loss Brandon. Like most Americans I struggle with my weight too, and I have discovered the secret is drinking lots of water and watching what I eat. Plus going to the gym daily and spending at least a half hour on the tread mill or the elliptical machine.

Workingdan said...

I'm not on the road like you but time is still an issue when it comes to doing my P90X.

Good luck with this and I wish you much success!

I just love the word "moobs". I used it as a name for my fantasy football team!

A Beer for the Shower said...

Contrary to my beer guzzling persona, I'm quite the fitness freak, and this is a brilliant idea. I don't think I'd so much benefit from this, as I've got a great gym/jiu jitsu dojo I can get to regularly, but I have a few people who would probably like this idea. I'll pass this post along to them.

Unknown said...

Well I will say this, the image I had in my head of your personal appearance was very different! I had pictured the pet food equivalent of a pharmaceutical representative. You know the ones? full suit with crisp white shirt and perfect GQ hair and a chiseled chin that rivaled a greek god?

I wish you grand luck on your trek to becoming that guy!

Anonymous said...

You know, I don't go to the gym because I've yet to find one with a bar and a smoking section. This might just be for me!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good idea, thanks for sharing and giving us the overview. Maybe I'll give it a shot.

Unknown said...

Just try the free membership. It's for two weeks, and you'll be able to see how much you do or do not like it.

What other personal training service gives you two weeks for free???

Just remember to put in my code (MOPI2012) so if you continue, it's only $7.99 instead of $9.99...

Unknown said...

@Sweety: I do have a chiseled chin.... but... it's hiding behind those other chins...

When I'm thin, I look hot. I'd give Jake G from "Love and Other Drugs" some good competition. I have the attitude, I have the charm, I just need my physical appearance to match the "game" I put out...

Random Girl said...

This is a cool idea Brandon! I like that you can mix it up, and get fresh workouts to keep you from getting bored. Right now I'm close to a gym I like with classes I'm enjoying but should I not be in that situation in the future, I would definitely give this a try! Keep up the good work on getting yourself where you want to be!

Jillian said...

Go Brandon! This looks like a fantastic service. And this way, you never have to run next to the 65-year-old man in spandex bike shorts. He took a three month hiatus from my gym, but now he's back. I wanted to cry.

Also, my friend is going to name her next cat "Moobs." Hehehe...

The Management said...

Go you! This sounds like a great idea. Remember to work hard but to always be gentle with yourself on the inside. It helps the battle go nicely, if at all possible.

Anonymous said...

May have to try this at some point. Having interesting success on my wii with the biggest loser game although I would love to not have to deal with the weekly challenge.

Hey Monkey Butt said...

thats awesome!! I need to get off my lazy arse and hit t he gym too. gawd Im so lazy!!!

Pish Posh said...


Leon Kennedy said...

that's a cool system. I don't travel very much, but when i do it's hard to stay motivated to go to the fitness rooms

Mandy_Fish said...

I live walking distance from a YMCA so I just trot down the street and work out. It also gets me out of the house. I just took my first CrossFit class on Wednesday and I can barely walk today. Holy hell.

Dr. Cynicism said...

I would totally do something like this. I used to do P90X, then realized I don't have that much time in my schedule, so I grabbed another of Tony Horton's workouts, the 10 Minute Trainer. Great on time, but I get sick of watching the exact same moves over and over again, day after day. I wonder if this Youble thing could be a solution...

Lady Estrogen said...

Go, Brandon, go!
I shall miss your moobs a little. Lol

The Beans said...

Damn! I wish I had known about this before I joined LA Fitness. :P

Good luck with your workouts! And don't give up!

-Barb the French Bean

Zombie said...

Keep up the weight loss buddy! I know you can do it! :D

Anonymous said...

Thanx for the info. I just signed up! I was getting tired of doing the same routine over and over...I get bored easy, plus my muscles get used to my workouts fast, so I need to switch it up now and then. I live out in the boonies, so I would waste "my workout time" driving to and from town. This is a great solution. Unfortunately I signed up without the code, so I'll just do the 2 weeks and quit I guess. But thanx!

Unknown said...

@Cindy: When the two weeks is up, you can use the code then. That is, IF you want to continue.

That's what I love about youble. It's very little pressure. If you want to leave or quit, they let you. No hoops.

As for me, I'm working up to the new kickboxing class. They just improved it, and I can't wait until I'm in shape enough to keep up!

Cap'n Salty said...

Wow, that sounds like an amazing program. I may have to check that one out, because motivation is a big downfall of mine and I am too self conscious to go to a gym. Keep us posted on how well it works!

A Daft Scots Lass said...

How is it going???

Anonymous said...

Best of luck! I've been trying to find my motivation for some time now and I feel as if it's gone. Can't wait to hear how it goes!

Anonymous said...

I just tried to go to their site and they are shut down. Darn - I wanted to give it a try! Love the blog by the way - my daughter lives down the road in Poke-a-Fellow (Pocatello).

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