...and I vote for both sides. I vote for the person and the message, not by political affiliation.
I am an Independent. Politicians and pollsters love me.
And, like CNN has done in the 2000 election and for all primary voting this year, I am calling the winner AGES before anyone else.
(this isn't an "I'm voting for" post, this is just an unbiased announcement)
Barack Obama will be re-elected for one major reason: There is no electable person running against him. Of the four remaining, none scream 'Presidential Material.'
(I'm hearing a sigh of relief from some of you, and outrage from others. Bear with me, while I explain...)
The GOP is stuck with another Bob Dole. A John Kerry. A 'we got nothing, so here's a softball' candidate.
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And, as current polls and the primaries so far show, there is no front runner. No single candidate stands out, to the point where the Republican party is more divided now than ever. Meanwhile, polls favoring Obama are increasing. He is taking advantages of the division and the strife, while the Republican candidates slowly cannibalize each other.
(This isn't an "Obama rocks" post, or a "Republicans suck" post. I didn't like GW Bush, but I didn't like Gore either. Then, in 2004, the Dems didn't bring forth a candidate that the people could take seriously (remember Howard Dean?? NYAHHHHH!!!!). To me, this is what the GOP is doing now.)
If I were a big player in the Republican Party, I would let Obama win.
(and then, quickly, be drawn-and-quartered)
Why? Fast-forward 4 years. Is Newt re-electable, with his 'shut up, I'm smarter than you' attitude? Santorum, who uses his religious views as scare-tactics and seems to want women back in the kitchen? Paul, who alienates his own kind with every statement, and has racist statements from the past haunting him? Romney, with big businesses and reviled out-of-touch billionaires with their proverbial dick up his ass? If one of these 4 are elected in 2012, the Democrats are back in power in 2016.
The goal for every President is to be a two-term President. The goal of both political parties is to be in power for as long as possible. If the Republican Party is smart, they'd throw a softball at Obama this year, and start looking for a unifier in 2016.
The next Reagan. The next Clinton. A JFK, an FDR. No matter who wins in 2012, partisan politics will continue as usual, and progress will be stagnant. Look for real progress and change in 2016... IF anyone steps up to take the lead, and can preach a message that can traverse party lines.
Ok, now the fun part! Am I right? Do I have my head up my ass? And why? Sound off below! (remember you CAN comment anonymously)
18 witty retorts:
I can only hope that you're right. A) because the republican candidates all scare the shit out of me, and B) I'm always a little worried when there's a republican in the white house and a Conservative Prime Minister.
Your assessment seems more reasonable than the candidates. Ron Paul seems to be the only one who doesn't talk in pre-canned rhetoric and understands nuance, but he's been marginalized by his own party and has no shot. Santorum's the current front runner and we all see what comes up when his name is Googled (go ahead, Google "Santorum" and see the first result) and just mentioned Satan is coming to get us. Romney is just Kerry with a different color money backing him. It's sad that both parties have rigged the system so that a 3rd party can't enter the race.
Yes, there really is no alternative to Obama this time around - and anyway, nice to give him more of a chance to fix things up :)
Bob Dole likes it when hes relevant again. Bob dole likes your blog. Bob Dole likes to refer to himself in the 3rd person. Bob dole. Bob dole...
Apologies but as a foreign devil looking in we don't get everything that goes on but we know the main candidates.....
I think you are right as well. I'd rather nothing get done (i.e. no new damage) for the next 4 years (again) and perhaps have two strong candidates to choose from in 2016 versus selecting the lesser of evils this year to run (and lose) against B. O.
I voted Boxer Briefs on your poll..so it's President Obama. He's the fireman being harrassed by the arsonists.
What about Roseanne Barr?????? I hear she entered the race. With her crotch grabbing antics during the National Anthem I'm sure she would proudly represent every American!!!!!
I will be running in 2016. I really feel there needs to be a change...like me riding around in a limo and a full cooking staff waiting for me when I return.
Change is good.
typically the incumbent is re elected, but on top of that i agree with your statement about their being a lack of presidential material coming from the elephant
I hope you're right because the republican debates (so far) have been a fricken joke. I also vote who I think is the best candidate and have voted both sides. Mitt was our governor here in MA and he did an ok job, but when he's debating - he sounds like a retard and I'm almost embarrassed that I voted for him for our gov.
Fuuuuuuuuck. I know you took the time to write a thoroughly in depth assessment of the candidates and shit...but the only thing I can focus on is the fact that you said that you were born 2 days after Reagan was elected. Dude. I remember when Reagan was assassinated...it was a big deal at school...my teacher was in hysterics. All I can think is: Fuuuuuuuuck. I'm getting old.
I love American politics but there does seem to be a race in the republican party over who doesn't want to fight Obama...
Over here in the UK we just don't have the out-right negative campaigning that often borders on comedy...roll on the election
You know Idaho votes for whoever has the R after their name so it really doesn't matter who wins the GOP nomination in this state. I agree the GOP field is pretty thin, but you never know what dirty tricks they will try to get back in the White House.
What Bozo said.
Independents freak me out. You may be unusual in that you're watching and you're listening and you're informed.
Most independents in my opinion are not "independent." They're "retarded"..
Some of the elections we've had in the past 20 years have been dramatic. When Gore ran against Bush for example, that's a pretty dramatic f*ing difference. Pretty different policies, worldviews, IQs, plans. I was flabbergasted when people couldn't make up their minds between the two. Stunned.
I think you are exactly right!
I agree. And I'm not saying that I support Obama either. I don't really support him or any of the candidates. They all suck balls.
How cool was that Howard Dean scream? Why wasn't he elected? Can you imagine him screaming down some Middle Eastern leader? I agree with you that 2016 is when something might actually get done unless the Dems can take over Congress in 2014. That's the real important election to me. President is just a figure head, but if you really want progress, then get some Congress members who actually want to work.
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