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Why I Hate The Salvation Army

I am not the first person to rant against the Salvation Army, and I won't be the last.

This isn't about how they use their money to spread anti LGBT hate, or how they will take their ball away and go home if you make them promote equality in their shelters...

No, they're a shitty charity for numerous reasons, but this one is a bit different than most anti-SA posts...

I hate their fucking bell ringers.

At least, the ones here in Eastern Idaho.

If you refuse to acknowledge them, they get upset.  They tell you "Merry Christmas" or "God Bless" and if you don't respond, or smile and nod back, they start coming after you.  "Excuse me... EXCUSE ME... SIR...  SIR..."

I told my first bell-ringer to fuck off the other day.

I'm now making a habit of counting my cash as I walk by...

And it's not that I don't donate to charities, I just prefer to donate to local charities.  I support my local food bank (anonymously) as well as a few other shelters.

I don't donate to the Salvation Army because of the way they use their money.  I want my money to go to homeless or the needy, not to lobbyists.

So fuck you, Salvation Army.  Fuck your bell-ringers, fuck your marching band, and fuck your self-righteousness.  Ring THAT bell.
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