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Youble - My New Gym (Back on the Fitness Track)

I have blogged about my struggles with weight loss before, and have noticed one big obstacle with my job and weight-loss.

I'm never home.  My gym membership rarely gets used.  (not to mention hours on the road, burning zero calories while driving)

And have you seen hotel 'fitness centers?'  One treadmill, a bike or two, and a scale.  That's it.

I need a personal trainer.  I need motivation.   I need classes.  And I need them to travel with me.

Meet youble.  The gym in the cloud.  I am starting my membership at youble, and I have to say...

...I feel the burn.

I was picked to receive a complimentary membership in return for a review, but I would have paid for this service whether or not I was chosen.  I had no idea this existed, and now that I do, I have no problem spreading the word.

Youble is designed to work from your computer or your TV.  The hotels I frequent have "plug and play" TV's which allow me to use their television as a 42" computer monitor.  The fitness classes are in a high resolution, so it looks like you're watching a fitness video.

However, unlike a fitness video, the classes update. You're not doing the same motions over and over.  The trainers (yes, real live trainers) mix it up for you to keep your mind and body fresh!

I just completed my first class.  I did my first Core Burn class and I'm sore.  Way sore.  But I couldn't be happier.  Unlike the gym, you're not surrounded by people, so you can rest as needed without feeling embarrassed.  If you need to take a breather but don't want to miss any of the class, you can pause the video.   You can't pause real life, but you can pause youble.

Trainer Jesse Thomas kicked my ass in core burn class...
Another big benefit?  The trainers have a wide variety of exercises.  As they're doing reps, they tell you how to properly do them, where you should be feeling the burn, how to breathe, etc.

It's a personal trainer.  On demand.  24/7.  And if you get sick of them?  Pause.

I can't tell you how often I have wanted to tell a personal trainer "shut up for 5 minutes and give me time to breathe, mmmkay?"

There is a wide variety of classes to choose from, and the 'Help Me Choose' option will help you find a class that meets your needs.  Is time an issue?   Only want an intermediate level?  Don't have any equipment?  There are courses that work around YOU.

So once again I am embarking on a fitness journey, but thanks to being able to get a good workout on the road, I think I may actually succeed.

As of April 1, I am in 42" pants.  I weigh 240lbs.  I have an 18" neck and a 50" chest.

My goal?

Shrink my waistline six inches, drop 40lb, and be able to run a 5k without, well, dying.  No time limit, no pressure. Just a goal.

I have some work to do:

Knees and toes, knees and toes....

And youble is going to help.

If you're in the same predicament I am, give them a look.  They have a 14 day trial membership, and monthly charges are only $7.99/mo if you use my discount code:  MOPI2012  

That's as cheap as netflix, and will get you more active. Best of all? When you want to quit, quit. It's not like a typical gym, where they make it impossible for you to leave. A few clicks and your membership is cancelled. Done. Without a contract. HOW COOL IS THAT???

So here I go again.  I'll report back in a few weeks and let you know how I'm doing.  If you want, come join me!!
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