And it didn't?
And then, when it didn't, the dude that predicted that whole nonsense had a stroke?
Well, after the stroke, he redid is math... and TODAY is actually Rapture day!
I have been hearing radio reports all day about how today is "RAPTURE DAY 2011: THE SEQUEL" and I can't help but giggle. It's supposed to happen around noon Pacific time.
So... if I don't blog tomorrow, you'll know why. SEE YA, BITCHES!
14 witty retorts:
Well I guess I'll die the way I lived, pretending to work while surfing the internet. I wonder what his excuse will be tomorrow.
Who does that man think he is? Doesn't he know that it says right there in the bible..No man knows the date...not one!
Maybe that dude will have better luck next 2012!
His best bet would be to predict Dec. 21, 2012. That seems to be the trend!!
Have you heard his quote? It sooo made me laugh. If anything else, he's a comedian, that crazy old man.
haha, I totally remember this back in May. That's so funny and I have to admit when I was in my office in SF yesterday we had a 4.2 earthquake and I heard a few people say..."OMG it's an early warning for Rapture" lol. I'm sure he'll announce tomorrow a new one, probably the '12 trend as your mentioned. Have a great weekend
brb goin to heaven
Considering I was still able to keep my lunch date with my friend, and I'm still alive to mention it, I'm thinking the dude had another stroke and did his math wrong. The man is worse than me with numbers. Now THAT is bad.
Great info, thanks! i've been working on my layout and you should really go and see how it looks like now. I've returned after a short break, so lets get this going again ;)
Well the sun has gone down and I am still here. Guess I have to keep paying my bills.
When is this bastard going to get it right?!!?
If he keeps up with these predictions he'll end up an atheist.
Promises, promises. All talk and no action--typical Christians.
Wait. We're dead? Am I in Hell? Is that why my remote batteries are dead and the TV is stuck on Dr. Quinn: Medicine Woman?
WHY isn't the guy locked up in an asylum?
I missed the Rapture again? Damn it. I'm always missing the blessed event. And darned if I didn't give away all my belongings to the raccoons again.
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