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A Fun Retail Prank: Best Buy Flash-Mobbing

If you have ever worked a low-paying entry-level job at a mall or retail store, you have probably had to wear a shitty work uniform.

I myself, long long ago, worked at Target for a short stint.  Their dress code isn't as bad as the picture of Hot Dog on a Stick, but a red shirt and khakis aren't exactly sexy either.

When I left the company (after a quick two weeks) I kept most of the clothing.  They make you buy your own clothes, so they're yours to keep.  I bought decent khakis, so they were perfect for my new job in an office setting.  The red shirts, however, I'm not sure why I didn't burn immediately.

By the way, good job Target.  You paid me $6.75 an hour to work there, but made me pay about $45 to buy clothing to work there.  I was already almost 7 hours in the hole before I even started.... bastards...

Every now and then I'd wear one of the red polos.  With jeans, with black slacks, and once in a blue moon, with those khakis.

BIG mistake.

One time, in the red/khaki outfit, I ended up having to go to Target.  I was oblivious to the fact I was dressed as one of their employees.

A random stranger walked up to me and started asking me where the shaving supplies were.  I told her.  She asked me to take her there, and I said "Sorry lady, I'm kind of busy.  Go do it yourself."  She went off.  She asked for my supervisor.

I was embarrassed.  I explained I didn't work at Target, I just happened to be wearing these clothes.  She quipped "You're lying.  No person with half a brain would wear those shitty clothes on purpose, and especially walk into a Target store wearing those..."  I was mortified, because she was right.  I felt so stupid.

Then it hit me... that could be a fun prank...

I never did anything with that idea back in 2003, but another group did.  With Best Buy.  Watch this video and laugh:

The group is called "Improv Everywhere" and I love them.  They're a group in NYC, and they do things like this on a semi-regular basis.  Check out their site for more hilarity.

So if you're ever bored and can grab a handful of friends, go prank Target.  Best Buy.  Hot Dog on a Stick (good luck with THOSE uniforms!) and make sure to record the chaos.
Please Share it! :)

18 witty retorts:

Pickleope said...

It's kind of jacked-up that companies have a uniform that they don't provide. The one place I worked at like that, I didn't last long because I refused to buy more than one shirt, and that ended up getting pretty rank...suppose I could have washed it every now and then.
I saw that prank, and it was great.
Does Hot Dog on a Stick still exist? Or Orange Julius? Or has the internet killed every business?

Sub Radar (Mike) said...

That ladies face must have been priceless when you told her to push off.

And that Best Buy trolling is genius and hilarious, gotta love Improv Everywhere.

Mark said...

Oh God that was an awesome thing they did.

Melanie said...

That is pretty funny! That is also a good reason to be thankful that I work in the operating room at my hospital and the hospital supplies the scrubs to make sure everyone has clean garments know, so no one gets any fur or cigarette ashes or anything in their body.

Q said...

That's pretty funny. So was your Target story. I can't wait to put on my red polo and khakis and roll up into Target and tell someone something is half-priced.

G said...

What an awesome idea...can't believe they called the police lol

Julie Ferguson said...

That was so funny. The Best Buy employees looked confused and scared. I would love to be a part of one of these pranks.

Al Penwasser said...

You worked for a short stint? What was his name?

Al Penwasser said...

I just watched that video. It is fantastic! But, people just standing around in a Best Buy uniform ignoring customers, is par for the course at the Montgomeryville, Pennsylvania, Best Buy. That's in the Airport Square in Montgomeryville. Pennsylvania. Best Buy.
On a related note, I have a Walmart vest that a friend made for me when I retired from the Navy. It looks IDENTICAL to a regular Walmart vest. One day, I hope to drum up enough courage to wear it in our Walmart and totally eff things up.
Better yet, I can wear it at the Best Buy. In Montgomeryville, Pennsylvania. About an hour northwest of Philadelphia.
DISCLAIMER: The above merely describes my experience at the aforementioned consumer electronics store. It is in no way meant to disparage said store. Especially since Circuit City went out of business.

Vinny C said...

More than one time I've had to stand around in a clothing store actually waiting for my wife as she browsed & some random person would walk up to me & ask me a question like I worked there.

In fact, there was this one awkward moment in the lingerie section...

Anonymous said...

OMG! SO funny! LOVE it!

middle child said...

That was soooo cool.
I love the flash mob stuff. Howie Mandell has a show coming in Jan. that is flash mob stuff. Can't wait.

J.Day said...

I love that they were forcing people to leave who "happen" to be wearing the "uniform". It was even better when the cops said they weren't going to arrest anyone for wearing a blue polo (like Best Buy has the copyright or something), and said there was no reason for them to be there and walked away (probably snickering).

Zombie said...

I wanna try that just by myself. I gotta get me a blue shirt. lol.

A Beer for the Shower said...

Oh, the possibilities. I already have a solid red polo and khakis. I want to go to Target now and be a jackass to people that try to ask me for things. Or tell them to go in the completely wrong direction.

Nuker Zero said...

I remember enjoying my time in retail. I worked at Foot Locker, Express, and Hallmark.

Though, i guess the people working with me were cool enough to offset how bad retail can be =/

Tonya said...

That's too funny! I have had people ask me if I worked at a store when I've shopped there. I say no and then grumble the rest of the time that I am fashion challenged. Then at work, when I AM actually working I hide my badge under my shirt just so no one asks for help. But that is my social anxiety at work there.

Al Penwasser said...

Beer: Send them to Walmart or K-Mart. Tell them Target sucks.

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