

Key Influencer or Major Asshat? The Klout vs Klouchebag Debate

As a blogger and social media whore, I try to extend my reach as much as I can without being too much of an ass.

(on that note, please follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Google+)

One slice of the internet that monitors your influence on others (and their influence on you) is Klout.  Klout will look at your Facebook, Twitter, Google and other social media sites and will gauge (on a scale from 1-100) how influential you are.

For example, my Klout profile says I'm a 49.  Top influential topics include:




and (of course) Mormons.

People can go to my Klout profile and give me a '+K' on things they think I'm influential on.  For example, I would love some +K on Cats and Business.  Just because.

It's a neat little tool.  Mostly pointless, sometimes annoying, but every now and then you can get a cool perk or two from it.

But... remember earlier in the post when I said "without being too much of an ass?"  Well, there's an internet tool that measures how much of a Twitter Douchebag you are...

Meet Klouchebag.  Like Klout, but instead of measuring how influential you are, it measures how annoying you are.

It measures your anger, misuse of the English language, Retweet abuse and social media spamming on twitter, and gives you a grade.  Also (I'm assuming) on a scale from 1-100.

In Klout, the higher the better.  In Klouchebag, the lower the better.

For example, here is my rating:

For comparison, here is Lady Estrogen:

Finally, here is celebrity annoyance and big-booty extraordinaire, Kim Kardashian:

What do you think about Klouchebag?  Feel free to check it out (if you have a Twitter account) and see how much of an ass you are.  Do you think this is accurate?  Are you above 50 on the douche-meter?  Feel free to share your score with the class, and we can all revel in our shame together.