I love to write. I love money. And I love winning contests. Which is why I am thinking about entering the monthly writing contest at The Shower Blog, a new site designed for writers.
The rules are simple. Sign up for an account, choose from a list of topics and write the best article possible. You can write multiple posts on multiple topics to increase your odds of winning.
For those of you who remember Dude Write, the premise is somewhat similar, but instead of weekly it's monthly, and instead of winning 'Man Cards' you actually win money.
And as much as I love my collection of Man Cards, I also appreciate a stack of Andrew Jacksons in my wallet.
You can find the rules for the current contest here. April winners will be announced on the 25th, and May submissions will start on the first. You can view the latest showerblog posts to get an idea of current writing styles.
And, if you're like me and think you can do better, sign up and show your stuff. First place gets $50, and who doesn't like money?
So, in a way, I'm back. Sort of.
This page may or may not have posts sporadically, but I will continue to write. I'll dabble here and there, and will let you know about my articles on twitter (are you following me on twitter??).
Retirement (sort of)
Bad news, people.
I started this blog 3 years ago to tell my stories. I was a California boy, now living in Idaho. I wrote about the culture shock, the weather, the people, and all the good/bad/interesting times I had.
But the foundation of this blog was living in Idaho.
5 weeks ago I was offered an amazing job. It's with a great company, it pays very well, and it moved me back to California.
I'm now living in San Diego county. I've been here for about 2 weeks and am loving it.
...and boy, am I exhausted.
This was an unplanned move, but a good one. I'm closer to my kids, I'm with an amazing company, and I'm back in my natural element.
The bad news is I'll have less to write about. Which is why I'm retiring this blog.
I'll still be around, in one form or another. I manage a Facebook page, create content for another, and write from time to time for Manderstanding. I may start another blog in the future, and if so, I'll shout it out here.
But for now, I'm a Cali boy living in... Cali. Not very interesting.
Thank you all, to the readers, contributors, commenters and trolls. These last 3 years have been more fun thanks to this blog, and the many people I've met along the way.
For those of you wishing to stay in contact, brandon@lostinidaho.me still works. My facebook page is still up (even though it may be changing names soon) and I'm still the same me. I'm just not 'Idaho' or 'Idahomie' anymore.
Keep in touch. And thanks for the memories.